Townsend Pool Lifeguards Earn Certificates
| Author: Nancy Marks Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor |
Six Townsend teenagers earned their lifeguard certificates on Wednesday. The course is taught by certified instructor Amanda Hazlett.
Townsend Rotary and Lions’ Clubs have sponsored the training for eight years, according to Rotary mem¬ber Adam Six. “We are so glad to have the pool open, number one and even more glad to have these great students work at the Townsend pool,” he said.
In addition to Rotary and Lions', this year, St. Peters’ Health Townsend Clinic also supported the program.
The instructor explained that one of the incentives for the students is a pay bonus if each of them stays for the full summer session. Amanda said, “We would like these kids to come back next year so we have lifeguards who already have experience and who want to come back every year, rather than having to train newbies every year.”
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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks
Image 1 Caption: From left to right: Instructor Amanda Hazlett, Asten Obert, Tyson Giome, Caleb LeLachur, Else Herrick, Annika Roelofs and Kaelyn Sangray