Three Forks Enjoys Rodeo
 | Author: Nancy Marks Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor |
The Three Forks Rodeo averaged 3,000 fans at their annual rodeo, a record attendance, according to Rodeo Board Executive Secretary Christina Kamps. Considering Three Forks has only 2,000 residents, it was a full town. She said the traffic was handled by a shuttle. The event went off with only one hitch: the light in the crow’s nest, where the announcer sits, began to smolder Saturday evening. Three Forks Fire Department folks were able to put out the fire without incident.
Winners as posted by the Northern Rodeo As¬sociation were as follows: Bareback Riding: Trever Kay, Chester; Saddle Bronc Riding: Caleb Meeks, Geraldine; Bull Riding: Austin Oshea, Helena; Steer Wrestling: Jhet Murphy, Helena; Tie Down Roping, Ty Kedrick, Jackson; Team Roping, JR Winter, White¬hall; Ladies Barrel Racing: Darby Haskins, Superior; Ladies Breakaway: Ellie Meeks, Geraldine; Jr Barrel Racing: Tye Brown, Helena and Jr. Breakaway Rop¬ing: Dylan Burger, Helena. Christina reported total payout for the two days was $7,150.
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PhotoCredit: Photo by PRCA photography David Hollenback.
Image 1 Caption: Rodeo winner Caleb Meeks riding horse Jacobs Rodeo’s 5 to a
score of 88.