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This Week In History - July 14


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Museum Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation

July 14, 1938

Harry Anders Opens Food Store

Getting in on the ground floor to service the people of Toston and vicinity under the anticipated rush of building the new dam, Harry Anders has opened a store in the old bank building to be known as “Harry’s Food Shop”.

Mr. Anders, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Anders of the Townsend Cash and Carry grocery, is operating alone at the present time having officially opened for business yesterday.

Townsend Briefs

Mrs. George Zimmerman is expected to return to Townsend today from the Indian hospital, Browning, where she has been in attendance at the bedside of her son, Joseph, who is recovering from an attack of sleeping sickness. Joe will be removed to the CCC camp infirmary to remain under the care and observation of government physicians


Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ward took their two little daughters to Yellowstone Park Sunday to see the bears. They were accompanied by Mrs. T.N. Averill, the party making a complete tour of the loop.

Chas. Shaw and F.L. Hollaway are installing a water system at the Hooks camp on Deep Creek this week. A driven well will provide water to be electrically forced to high tank levels and thereby provide a forced system of hot and cold water for the kitchen and a shower bath facility.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Keene of Lingshire were Townsend visitors Tuesday and Wednesday.

Dr. Paul M. Golley of Missoula stopped overnight in Townsend Monday, guest of the Rev. and Mrs. A.O. France. While here, the doctor, formerly of Townsend, visited the new hospital and called on a number of friends.


Crow Creek News

Hob Lorentz of Kirkland, Wash., has been here for the past week attending to business matters. He has been a house guest at the W.K. Parker ranch.

The Crow Creek Schoolhouse and all buildings have recently been re-shingled. We understand they will also receive a new coat of paint and other repairs will be made before school starts in September.

Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Hensley are hosts this week to Mrs. Hensley‘s father P.L. Comerford of Cleveland, Ohio.

Other building going on in the valley includes three granaries, one each on the Nelson Ranch, the Miller Ranch and the Hensley Ranch, recently purchased from the Turman Estate and a smaller granary on the Frank Slifka Ranch. Crops in the area are unusually good, both the dryland and the irrigated land. Haying is in full swing and much progress has been made despite the frequent rains.

Mrs. Chester Nelson was agreeably surprised on Wednesday afternoon when her neighbors, Mrs. Woodrow Hensley, Mrs. Don Scoffield, Mrs. Chester Scoffield and Mrs. Orrin Harris dropped in for an afternoon of bridge.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Conrad and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kimpton recently enjoyed a three-day camping trip. They made the trip to the Boomer Ranch on South Crow Creek by car and pack-horsed on to Crow Creek Falls and the Tizer Lakes. They reported a wonderful time.


Local News

Mrs. Edwin Benson of Denver, Colo., is visiting with Mrs. Benson’s mother, Mrs. Mabel Williams, and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Geil of Portland stopped briefly in Townsend last week and visited Mrs. Marguerite Peterson and Miss Mary Connors. Mrs. Geil is the former Marie Lasby whose parents owned the Rexall Drug at one time.

Pfc. Cecil Hunsaker flew to Seattle Saturday after spending two weeks here with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. E.L. Hunsaker, and the rest of his family. He will sail on the U.S.S. General Walter to Vietnam via Hawaii and Okinawa. Cecil has been in the Army a year and is in Communications.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vick, Nancy and Susan have returned from a two weeks trip to St. Paul and Duluth, Minn. While in the twin cities, the family enjoyed a couple of ball games. They visited Jim’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. David Vick and son.

Mrs. Joy I. Nash of Bellevue, Wash. and Mrs. Van Sheriff of Canyon Ferry visited briefly in town Wednesday en route to the Nash cabin in Bozeman for a few days.

Mrs. Pearl Barraugh will leave Thursday for Emigrant and Livingston for a few days visit with relatives. Miss Vanga Wright will accompany her.

Misses Gloria Fryhling and Sherry Beatty spent the long weekend here with Gloria’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fryh¬ling. Both girls are attending the summer session at the university in Missoula.


Caught a Big One

Ernest Cowell, using a night crawler, caught a big one last Thursday when he landed a carp that he estimated weighed at least 35 pounds. Fishing just below the boat dock on the Missouri River, down from the bridge was where he made the catch.

Ernest stated that he had been fishing there for about 35 years, but that was the first time he ever caught one that big. He also said that he had a friend with some hungry cats that would probably be enjoying the carp. Ernest also had a smaller carp and several trout in his catch.

Winston-Clasoil News

Tony and Louise Moe and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bailey of East Helena drove to Great Falls Thursday evening to visit with Wayne Johnson at the Columbus Hospital where he is recovering from injuries sustained in a logging accident recently. They also took Mrs. Johnson out to dinner while there.

Mrs. Dick Hohn and girls, Janet and Anita attended the Rainbow picnic on Confederate Gulch on Sunday.

Houseguests of Neil and Donna Moldenhauer last week were Mr. and Mrs. William Dooley, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Shultz, all from Wisconsin who had come to attend the wedding of Julie Moldenhauer to Bill Lessberg of Manhattan. The young couple will make their home in Three Forks. Congratu¬lations and best wishes to the young couple.