Broadwater County 4-H Growing & Thriving
 | Author: Allison Kosto, MSU Broadwater County Extension Agent MSU Broadwater County Extension Agent |
Did you know the first 4-H meeting in Broadwater County was held in March 1935? One month later, the first 4-H Club was formed in the County and named the 4-H Hustlers. Some of the first members included Douglas Christie, Charles Mitchell and Donald Shearer. The club was led by Agricultural Extension Agent Ralph Ward. By May 1935, there were 85 members in nine organized clubs located in Townsend (3), Canton (2), Radersburg, Lombard, Winston and the Whaley School Dis¬trict. In less than two months, 4-H was off to a solid start and continues to be a strong force in Broadwater County today!
4-H enrollment reached a record high of 146 members right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, there are 120 members enrolled in six clubs: Crow Creek Clovers, Old Baldy, Radersburg Rattlers, Rocky Mountain Rough Hands, Toston Blue Ribbon and the Winston Eager Beavers. Two of these clubs are brand new, having formed within the last two years. Due to our growing 4-H program, we desperately need more clubs! The most emergent need is for clubs in the Townsend area. If you are interested in forming a 4-H Club, please contact the Extension Office.
4-H members are currently busy gearing up for the premier event of the year, the County Fair, which takes place August 2–8. This is the highlight of the year for many 4-H members. It is an opportunity for members to showcase what they have learned throughout the year and receive recognition for their efforts.
Many people are familiar with the animals at the Fair, most of which are 4-H projects. However, members also contribute to the indoor exhibits, creating posters, displays, handcrafted items and more, that are on display in the 4-H Building. These exhibits are the culmination of year¬long learning through the 4-H program. Stop by the Fair this year to check out the exhibits!
If you are a regular spectator at the Fair you likely noticed a major change in the last couple of years. The COVID-19 pan¬demic required the 4-H program to make adjustments in order to hold the 4-H activities at the Fair Grounds in 2020. One of these changes was moving the 4-H Livestock Show and Sale outside underneath a tent. This shift was well received by participants and their families, and by the public, as it made for a more comfortable and cooler venue. Because the 4-H program is growing, we are running out of space in the livestock barn. Moving the show ring outside freed up valuable space indoors to allow more room for animals.
Since this change was so well received, the 4-H Livestock Committee has continued to use a tent for the shows and sale even after COVID restrictions were lifted. They also set a goal to build a permanent structure in this location to reduce the labor and annual cost associ¬ated with the tent. Jason Noyes, Chairman of the 4-H Livestock Committee, spearheaded an effort to make this dream a reality. He has worked hard to get approval from the various groups, get cost estimates and secure funding. At the end of June, the Broadwater County Commissioners approved fully funding the project with funds from the Trust Board and Com¬mission. 4-H will still have to do some fund raising for the finishing touches but it’s a huge weight off our shoulders! The goal is to have the structure built in time for Fair 2023.
As you can see, 4-H continues to grow and thrive in Broadwater County. Youth must be ages 8 to 18 to enroll as a traditional member. The Cloverbud program is available for youth ages 5 to 8.
The 4-H year begins October 1, which is a great time to get started. We continually seek community members to serve as volunteers in the program. Volunteer positions include club organization leaders, project leaders, committee members and fair judges.
For more information about 4-H, contact MSU Extension in Broadwater County at 406-266- 9242 or broadwater@montana. edu or stop by my office in the Flynn Building at 416 Broad¬way (former Opportunity Bank Building).
4-H is the youth develop¬ment program of the Montana State University Extension. We look forward to seeing you at the Fair!
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PhotoCredit: Allison Kosto
Image 1 Caption: 4-H members participate in a flag raising ceremony at 4-H Camp 2022