City Of Townsend City Council Meeting
 | Author: Nancy Marks Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor |
August 2, 2022
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Evans called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Council members present were Christina Hartmann, Vickey Rauser, Angie Wintrow, Matt West and Ken Urich; Nate Brown arrived during the Budget Work Session. Others present were Clerk Coleen Ward, Public Works Supervisor Tim Rauser, At¬torney Peter Simon, Deputy Clerk Jenny Barnett, Utility Clerk Diana Berglind, Crew Person Paul Rauser, CCO/ ACO Eric Crusch, Janet Hubber, Patrick Plantenberg, Nancy Marks with MT43 News and Jessica Crusch with Broadwater County News.
PLEDGE: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.
MINUTES: Vickie Rauser moved to approve the minutes of July 19, 2022, as distributed, Angie Wintrow seconded, the motion carried with all council members voting in favor.
GUESTS and CORRESPONDANCE: Jan Hubber spoke to the council regarding the letter to the Mayor and Council and wanted to follow up with the council on the letter she received at her home on the weed violation. She feels if someone is obviously working on their yard, like her, landscaping, fencing, sprinklers and spraying weeds; she should not be targeted. The process of distributing these letters needs to be looked at. Mayor Evans said the letter is a form letter we have used for years, perhaps it is time to look at the letter and soften it up a bit. Matt asked Eric if he had been receiving complaints, Eric replied yes, he received complaints about the weeds on I-Street. Eric stated the letter was reviewed with Peter for the language, if it needs to be re-written then we should look at it again.
NEW BUSINESS: Building Fee Schedule Resolu¬tion – Peter prepared the Resolution 2022-R05 with the Permit Fee Schedule as Exhibit “A.” Peter would like the council to review it all and make changes to be approved at the August 16th meeting. Discussion ensued on wording and consensus was to remove the word Small from Small Outbuildings and Small Addi¬tions. Peter also wanted to review the Cost Valuation Formula used by the city. Peter will have the changes ready for the next meeting.
Street Closure – Fall Fest – All of the information and documents are in order, Christina moved to ap¬prove the Street Closure for Fall Fest, Vickie Rauser seconded, the motion carried with all council members voting in favor.
CLAIMS: Vickie Rauser moved to pay the claims, Ken Urich seconded, the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
ADJOURN: Vickie Rauser moved to adjourn the council meeting, Christina Hartmann seconded, the motion carried with all council members voting in favor.