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A Busy Week For The Sky


Jeff Ross

The Perseids meteor shower peaks on Saturday, August 13, a day after Full Moon.

I've caught glimpses of a few meteors already and have high hopes for a good showing on Saturday, even if the Moon will be at its brightest.

On the 14th Saturn reaches opposition. Opposition is the point in a celestial body's orbit when it is directly opposite the Sun as seen from Earth. A planet at opposition rises near sunset and sets near sunrise.

Our own Moon is at opposition every month when it is in its Full phase. Saturn at opposition can be the best time of year to see its famous rings. A good pair of binoculars on a stunningly clear night will show Saturn and the ring structure but even a small telescope will resolve the rings to the point you can see the gap between Saturn and the innermost ring.

Jupiter rises a little after 10:30 pm and is also visible all night, with Mars rising about an hour later. Of the inner planets, Venus and Mercury, Venus should be clearing the Big Belts about the beginning of morning twilight while Mercury might be visible setting behind the Elkhorns just after sunset.

Our Sun remains fairly active and we had some slight aurora sightings this last week.

We can only hope for more!

With clear skies, of course.