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Broadwater County Lions Accept Eyeglasses and Hearing Aids
Author: Bob Brastrup, Townsend Lions Club

Broadwater County Lions Accept Eyeglasses and Hearing Aids

Bob Brastrup

Townsend Lions Club

Helen Keller, in 1925, challenged the International Lions organization to become “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness.” The organization accepted her challenge and for the last 99 years has made helping individuals with sight and hearing problems a top program priority.

The Broadwater County Lions helps carry out this mission by assisting qualified individuals receive hearing aids and eyeglasses. The club also participates in a program to recycle eyeglasses and hearing aids. The club recently provided 269 pairs of glasses and 10 hearing aids to the program. The glasses and hearing aids are refurbished so they can be used again.

The club is proud to announce that Reading Leaves Books is assisting the club by providing a location for a box where eyeglasses and hearing aids can be donated. Opportunity Bank and Mountie Moose Bakery also accept donated eyeglasses and hearing aids.