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This Day In History - April 25


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation

April 25


Note: There is not “The Broadwater Opinion” newspaper for this date in 1912. The following article is from the paper of April 11, 1912.

“Doings of a Week”

Four people came into the Opinion office this week and wanted to hire livery rigs. Their mistake that this gospel print shop also posed as a livery stable was perfectly natural for the very good reason that Fick McCormick utilizes all the street in front of the Opinion office as a cold storage plant for his wagons, buggies and carts. He hasn’t brought the hearse over yet, but he probably will and then we will be up against it explaining to friends of deceased people that McCormick does the burying and we do the lying about their good qualities after they are dead. If Mac doesn’t keep his blasted old vehicles off the streets the city council ought to give him a gentle nudge that he is maintaining a nuisance.


“Social Doings”

Donald Clare was eight years old on Wednesday and to properly observe such an important occasion his mother and sisters helped him be host at a part at his home. The table was decorated in pink and white and the little friends played games until time to eat. Those present were:

Donnie, Larry and Theodore Kieckbusch, Gene Hardgrove, Dickie Bayles, Joey Williams, Dave Olsen, Jackie Sautter, Mary Kieckbusch, Eleanor Olsen, Florence Williams, Marjorie and Phyllis Kieckbusch, Hope Clare, Billy Hrouda and the host, Donald Clare.

“Canton Valley” News

W.G. Kirscher marketed a load of hogs in Helena this week.

Beet growers in this valley have started to sow their beet seed this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Mayer and son, Stanley Peter, motored over from Wilborn and spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mannix and family. Mr. Mayer returned on Sunday evening, while Mrs. Mayer and son stayed over for a few days’ visit and to attend the shower for Miss Evelyn Weiferich.


“Local News”

Mr. and Mrs. George Harrigfeld of Ashton, Idaho, were weekend guests with their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mauna Harrigfeld and family. Mike Harrigfeld accompanied his grandparents back to Rexburg where he is a student at Ricks College.

Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Francisco Thursday evening were Lt. Bradley White, Mr. and Mrs. H.G. White and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Valentine.

Mr. and Mrs. John Standley returned last weekend from Phoenix, Ariz., where they enjoyed the winter months.

Among those attending the M.S.U. Rodeo at the Fieldhouse in Bozeman Saturday evening were Pete Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Doig and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Richardson.

Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Brisbin and Lori of Bozeman visited friends in town Sunday.


“Random Acts of Typing” by Jeff Stoffer

The Commercial Bar deserves a big thanks for a big contribution of recyclable cans and bottles at last Saturday’s Recycling Day function at the North Cedar Street dumpsters.

Also, each year I am more and more impressed by the community’s response to telephone book recycling. The Townsend Star, for the past couple of years, has been the designated station to drop off obsolete directories. We had another banner of collections this year.

The local recycling committee Claud Smith and the Townsend Garden Club all deserve credit for their ongoing efforts to promote better waste management. By taking recyclable material out of the waste stream, community members reduce tipping-fee costs at landfills and help keep us from burying ourselves in garbage.

For more information about the committee and recycling, I suggest contacting people like Jodie Canfield, Nancy Marks Wiederholt, Beth Ihle, Claud Smith or Mary Debelak. Not only do they know what’s recyclable and what’s not, they can share many clever ideas about how to re-use old trash in clever home landscaping projects and as helpful household goods.