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This Day In History - April 4


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation

April 4


“Local News”

The year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Marshman ate some mercury tablets last Tuesday and some fast efforts were made to get the poison out of the little fellow. The doctors happened to all be out of town and Druggist Lasby got into the case and soon had the baby out of danger, Dr. Smith being called later. The little fellow is yet in bad condition, the doctor anticipating that pneumonia may yet develop.

A fine, fat boy arrived Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Maryott of Deep Creek to take up his permanent residence with the family.

The man who pulled off the stabbing stunt one night last week was given his freedom by Sheriff Doggett and he hit the trial for parts unknown. He was a stranger in town and as there was no disposition to prosecute him, he was turned loose.

A force of workmen have been busy this week stringing new wires and moving the local telephone exchange to the new D’Arcy building. An experienced “hello” girl is also here from Helena to start the new operators right, and it is expected that the new system will give much better service under the new arrangement.


“Social News”

A bridge evening was enjoyed by members of the contract bridge club and their husbands at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Gaab in Canton Tuesday evening. This was the first meeting of the club for several weeks and those attending were Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Harding, Mr. and Ms. H.J. Doggett, Mr. and Mrs. Ed O. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Hooks, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ward, Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Ragen, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hollaway, Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmerman, Mrs. Gene McCarthy, Mrs. L.W. Doggett and Mr. and Mrs. Gaab. It was a no-host party and in the game of contract bridge, high scores went to Mrs. Howard Doggett, Wallace Hardy and low scores to Mrs. Hollaway and Mr. Hooks.

One of the features of the evening was the spectacle of the northern lights viewed from the clear sweep of the countryside by the guests. The sky was clear for the first time during the week and played strikingly for several hours.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Perkins were the inspiration for an old-fashioned charivari last Saturday evening, when about thirty-five motored to their country home and spent the evening with a variety of entertainment enjoying the hospitality of the newlyweds. It was a no-host party and after games and dancing refreshments were served.


“Grass Mountain Ski Area Closes”

Grass Mountain Ski club members participated Sunday in an Interclub Giant Slalom to close another skiing season at the local area. President Alan Lundborg listed prize winners: Tom Ragen won the gold cup for the fastest combined time in the event with 85.4; in the junior boy’s event Tom Ragen placed first and Danny Moudree was second; in the senior boy’s event Eddie Ulmer was first with a combined time of 87, two seconds off the fastest time. John Rains was second and Tom Perry was third. Candy Whitehead was the only entrant in the girls’ event. Other entrants were Robbie Ulmer, Ron Kieckbusch, Mark Rains and Scott Davis.

Ed Sherwood was chief starter, Darroll Harrison, chief timer and Joan Delger was recorder.

With this event the Grass Mountain Area closed for this season, with another successful year of providing skiing to area residents. Townsend residents are fortunate to have a ski area so near and on a paved highway, making it easily accessible.

“Andrea Bruce is Four Years Old”

Andrea Bruce was four years old Saturday, March 23, and to help her celebrate the occasion her mother, Mrs. Andy Bruce, gave a party in her honor. Assisting Mrs. Bruce were Miss Bonnie Bruce, Miss JoAnn Hunsaker. The afternoon was enjoyed playing games and refreshments of cake and ice cream. Favors were presented to the guests. Invited to join in the festivities were Sandy Herbst,

Dee and Garth Bruce, Carolyn Jappe, Shane, Shawn and Whitney Diehl, Nancy and Georgia Hensley, Lanette and Jan Bingham, Gregg and Darla Harrison, Dana and Eric Swenson, Tonda and Carla Rasmussen, Warren Toombs, Jody Brown, Gay Miller, Heather and David Campbell.


“Around Town News”

Tex and Yvonne Pate, Winston, visited Edith Alex Sunday. While there they took her out for dinner at the Fireside.

Monday Gregg Sutter joined his cousin, Ben Sautter, for breakfast before leaving for his home in Missoula.

Frances Etzwiler and her daughter, Ann Rauser, traveled to Raymond, WA to attend the initiation of Frances’ granddaughter, Jennifer Etzwiler, into the Eastern Star. During the trip they visited Frances’ son, Jim Etzwiler, in Seattle; they also visited friends in Chehalis WA and South Bend OR.

Loyd and Shirley Belville, Steve and Colleen Ward, Scott and Geoff and Nicky Holmes and Austin enjoyed a birthday celebration Sunday at the home of Audrey and William Plymale, Lynette, Le Ann and Amanda. The party was in celebration of LeAnn’s 8th birthday.

Joyce Lane hosted a birthday party Tuesday for husband Bill. On hand to help Bill celebrate were Judy and Franklin Slifka, Frank Slifka, Jay Lane and friend, Sarah; Jim and Tara Lane, Chandler and Colten, Edna Hensley, Marion Cass, Jean and Barney Johnson and Laura and Grant Nagel, Marcy and Stacy.