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Broadwater Lions Easter Egg Hunt – Location Change


Dela Chatriand, Townsend Lions Club
Townsend Lion's Club

Broadwater Lions Easter Egg Hunt – LOCATION CHANGE

Dela Chatriand

Townsend Lions Club

The annual Broadwater Lions Community Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, March 30, 2024, at a new location, Heritage Park, which is also known as the Swimming Pool Park. Please line up by 10:00 a.m. This year, we will start at 10:05 a.m. to make sure attendees arrive at Heritage Park.

The Easter Egg Hunt includes ages 0-12 years of age. The age categories are 0-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12, and there will be areas for each age group to hunt the filled Easter Eggs.

The Lion Easter Bunny and Easter Lion will also be making an appearance!

We appreciate the help of the City of Townsend, the Fire Department, and the Townsend Community. We, the Lions, look forward to a great Community Easter Egg Hunt.

If you have questions, please reach out to a Broadwater Lion member, or you can call Dela Chatriand at 406-980-0615.

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