Court Beat, March 15
 | Author: Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent MT43 News Correspondent |
March 15
Dee Gannon
MT43 News Correspondent
The criminal docket in Judge Kathy Seeley’s courtroom on Friday, March 15, is as follows:
Robin Cossens had an Initial Appearance and Arraignment; pleading Not Guilty to charges of 1) DUI (5+), 2) criminal endangerment, 3) eluding law enforcement, 4) driving while privilege to do so is suspended, 5) no liability insurance, 6) open container and 7) speeding. Omnibus is due by May 17; Pre-Trial is set for June 21; with the Jury Trial scheduled for July 15. The bond is reduced to $50,000. Upon release, he must abide by a myriad of conditions.
Jeri Lamphier had an Initial Appearance and Arraignment; pleading Not Guilty to 1) DUI (4+), 2) resisting arrest, 3) failure to show proof of insurance 4) driving while their license is suspended. Omnibus is due by May 17; Pre-Trial is set for June 21; with the Jury Trial scheduled for July 15. She is approved to begin outpatient treatment on March 16, 2024.
George Marcuzzi has a resolution to his case(s) in the works. His Change of Plea will be heard on April 5, 2024
John Hanson had a Change of Plea: pleading Guilty to the reduced charges of 1) disorderly conduct and 2) criminal mischief. In his elocution, he stated that in Broadwater County, he went to a ‘family camper’ shouting profanities and broke windows in the camper. He is Sentenced to six months, all but 2 days suspended. He must abide by conditions of no alcohol, no bars, no casinos serve 48 hours beginning Monday, March 18.