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Open House: BCDC Trails Committee
Author: Al Christopherson

Open House: BCDC Trails Committee

Al Christopherson

Trail walkers, hikers, bicyclists and river canoeists are invited to public open houses hosted by the Broadwater County Development Corporation’s (BCDC) Trail Committee. They are seeking to gather further public input on a draft proposal for a trails and routes network plan across and within Broadwater County. The first open house will be March 18 hosted at the Bridger Brewery from 4 to 7 pm. The second open house will be hosted at the Lodge in Townsend on March 21 from 4 to 7 pm.

Broadwater County residents and others have made it clear over the past few years that there is an interest in alternative transportation methods within and across the county. Their interests have focused on a hike and bike trail system and the need for a master plan that identifies locations, types of use and the needs to make them safe for users.

The Community Review workshop sponsored by Broadwater County Development Corporation in March of 2023 highlighted the hike-bike trail master plan need. Discussions about other existing plans like the Broadwater County Fairgrounds Master Plan, Silos Recreation Area Master Plan, County Growth Plans, Park and Recreation Board survey, and other community surveys list trails as a community/county need. The Community Review provided a venue to establish a working committee to move ahead with the development of such a master plan.

A committee of interested individuals began meeting in late March of 2023 and has been working diligently on identifying a design for a network through and within Broadwater County and the City of Townsend. The committee was charged to develop a master plan for such a system. The committee expanded its view of transportation corridors to include the Missouri River as a canoe trail from Headwaters State Park to Canyon Ferry Lake. The committee established a vision for such a plan.

Develop a Draft Broadwater County Hike/Bike Master plan for identifying, implementing and maintaining a county-wide hike/bike trails and route system that is accessible, informative and welcoming to all interested users, that is safe, provides connectivity to and through county communities, considers emergency needs, critical infrastructure, community business, and social connections; and promotes healthy, educational, and recreational activities. The trails system will utilize existing transportation corridors to the greatest extent possible.

The committee's goals will be to develop a Hike/Bike Trail System Master Plan for Broadwater County that:

1. ties the Counties's geography and communities together

2. utilizes connections to the business and critical infrastructure of the county

3. Reflects history and cultural aspects of the County

4. recognizes and uses, to the extent practicable, existing transportation corridors as trails and routes

5. recognizes and incorporates the diversity of users in determining trails and routes

6. utilizes existing plans and efforts that have transportation needs identifying that trails can be a part of this network

7. identifies current top priorities

8. identifies long-term phased-in trails or segments and necessary steps to get them completed

9. provides a snapshot in time of costs by year, phase or similar breakdown for priority segments

10. identifies current and future funding avenues and opportunities

11. obtains endorsement by local residents and elected community officials

12. Prepare a final draft brochure of the County Trail plan

The draft proposed trails and routes network map will be presented for public review at these open houses. Public comments will be accepted at the open houses or you can send comments to BCDC web page, Your input will be important to refining the development of the maps and master plan.

Thank you for your interest. If you would like to become a committee member, please contact John Hahn at 406-202-1050 or Al Christophersen at 406-439-0197.