This Week In History - Nov 17
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
"What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and
The “Cotter Foundation”
November 17
“Canton Valley News”
Miss Grace Mannix of San Francisco, Calif. and Miss Nellie Mannix of Divide were weekend guests of their uncle John Mannix and family near Canton.
Glenn Betty and Ralph Kirscher of Bozeman, Bill Davidson, Edith Agnes Ballard and Marian Trumbull of Townsend attended the Grizzly – Bobcat game at Butte on Saturday, returning that evening to the Guy Kirscher ranch near Canton and remained over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weiferich and family had as Sunday guests Mr. Joe Myer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan and family
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Merritt and Mr. and Mrs. Gray Keen were capitol business callers on Saturday and Monday respectively.
Mrs. Lloyd Noble and children departed for their home in Helena Sunday after visiting the past week at the Roy Noble ranch and in Townsend with her mother, Mrs. Chas. Burgess. Lloyd motored to Helena yesterday with his father.
Hubert Plymale, Roy Noble and son, Lloyd Noble, Ben Bellville and sons, Lester and Lloyd, Ray Roope, Ray Hancock, Tommy Perkins are reported as being successful in bagging their buck a few days before the closing of the season. Ben’s deer, a four point, weighed 184 pounds, and Tommy Perkins’ 238 pounds. And is thought to be the largest in this county killed this season.
Miss Thelma Bellville is preparing to move to Canton this week to keep house for her two brothers, Lloyd and Homer, during the winter months the boys are attending school at Canton since there is no school in the Missouri Valley school district this year.
“Senior Play Said to Excel Other H.S. Productions”
A large and appreciative group attended the senior play “Oh Promise Me”, a comedy, given here last Thursday night by the senior class of Broadwater County High School. Three directors, Miss Campbell, Mr. Cusick and Mr. Reyner assisted.
Those who took the roles, all of whom deserve much credit for the successful production were: Dick Bales, Max Luna, Ray Nydegger, Romana Luna, Alice Miller, Betty Smith, Billie Zimmerman, Peggy Graveley, Sharley Williams and Jacob Mitchell.
“Local News”
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ragen and Mrs. W.J. Gaab returned from Chicago Monday evening after a three weeks visit there.
A number of Townsend men took the Shrine obligations in Helena last Saturday among them W.D. Neifert, Paul Carson, Woodrow and Cleveland Wallace and Don Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Day and little son came from Ennis to spend the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watkin.
Miss Louise Flynn passed thru Townsend from Helena to spend the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Flynn near Toston.
Wm. Cotter was a recent visitor in Missoula attending to business, he said, and visiting his daughter Rose, who is a student at the university.
“Junior Class Play Tuesday”
The junior class of Broadwater County High School will present the annual play to the public next Tuesday, November 22nd. The class have chosen a humorous production entitled “A Boy Named Beulah”. It’s a “howl-arious funfest” in three acts for eight young men and eight young women. A matinee will be given on the previous afternoon.
Those taking the roles are: Bryan Welch as Corky; Mona Karhoff as Polly; Dennis Quinn as Hank; David Olsen as Ted; Tommy Perry as Scat; Judy Sitton as Aimee; Mary Ann Doucett as Ava; Phyllis Molitor as Nanelle; Wally Rauser as Chillford; Kenny Schwisow as Grant; Mary Pat Sullivan as Beulah; Claudia Flynn as Aunt Beulah; Patricia Blaisdell as Nora; Larry Heberle as Bertie; Janet Adams as Marmalade; Jimmy Deadmond as Tongo.
There will be entertainment between acts and those who attend are sure to be well entertained.
“Gillespie Honored by Quarterback Club in Helena”
Broadwater County High School head coach, Jack Gillespie, received special honor at the November meeting of the Capital City Quarterback Club in Helena Monday night. He was accompanied by his assistants and the football squad.
Gillespie spoke to the group about 8-man football and directed a question and answer period. Colored films of the Townsend football games were shown.
Gillespie was an all-state end at the Helena High in 1958 and a 2 time Montana Collegiate Conference end selection. He was also MCC javelin champion and qualified for the NAIA national finals.
“Local News”
Jimmy Brammer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brammer, was six years old Tuesday, Nov. 8, and to help him celebrate Mrs. Charles Holling gave a birthday party for him. The guests played games and were served refreshments and Jim opened his gifts. Those joining the fun were Jenny, Joey and Annie Dwyer, Kelly Sullivan, Barry Clark, Johnny Geisser and Kim Brammer.
“Walker Opens Youth Recreation Center Here”
Hank Walker is announcing the opening of a Youth Recreation Center in the old Ross building that was recently vacated by the Townsend Implement. The west half of the building only is being used for this purpose.
There have been pool tables, juke box, etc. put in the building for the amusement and pleasure of the youth. Although all the equipment and fixtures have not been installed, Walker has opened for business.
Mr. Walker has established very strict rules for the business and says they will be strictly enforced. He invites all parents to visit the Youth Center. Mr. and Mrs. Walker will operate the business which will not be open during school hours.