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Tech Talk: Microsoft Office 2019 Available for $32.00


Victor Sample
Vic Sample: MT43 News Treasurer

Microsoft Office 2019 Available for $32.00

Victor Sample

Years ago, Microsoft decided to change Microsoft Office from a traditional software product to a subscription product and renamed it Office 365 and priced it at $69.99 a year for a single, personal license.

The traditional Microsoft Office products included Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access and Outlook. Office 365 includes Word, Excel and PowerPoint, but does not include Publisher or Access. Publisher is being discontinued as a product and Windows 10 and Windows 11 come with email built into Windows. Office 365 also included Editor, Clipchamp and Windows Defender, OneNote and OneDrive. Windows Defender, OneNote and OneDrive come with Windows 10 and Windows 11. Editor and Clipchamp are free but the free versions do not have all of the features of the Office 365 version.

If you do some searching you can purchase traditional standalone versions of Word and Excel; but they are pricey – over $100.00. Microsoft Office Pro 2019 usually is priced at about $229.00.

However, you can get an official, license for Microsoft Office Pro 2019 for $32.00 (plus a 2.99 handling fee) from

The Office Pro 2019 version comes with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Outlook and OneNote.

To order at Stack Social, go to

• Click on “Apps and Software” and click on “Business” in the dropdown list

• Microsoft Office Pro will be offered at $39.99 (much cheaper than the full $229.00. Click on the offering

• Choose the Windows Version or the Mac Version

• When doing checkout specify promo code “enjoy20” to receive an additional discount of $7.99 making the product price $32.00.

Stack Social will add an additional $2.99 “handling fee” making a total purchase price of $34.99

During the checkout process, you will be asked for an email. The order confirmation email will contain a “Redeem” button. Click on the “Redeem” button. You will be given a valid Microsoft License Key and another “Download Link” button. SAVE THE Microsoft License Key somewhere that you can always access it. License keys ARE important.

Click on the “Download Link” to download the installer. The downloaded installer is a 32-bit installer. If you have a modern PC it will probably be a 64-bit machine. The download process will warn you that it cannot install on a 64-bit machine and ask if you want to install the 64-bit installer. If you get that prompt, choose to install the 64-bit version.

The downloaded installer will be in your downloads folder. Go to the downloads folder and double-click the installer. It will install Microsoft Office 2019 for you. It is large so the download time is long – BE PATIENT.

Once the installation has completed you can launch any of the Office Pro products (Word, Excel, etc.). They will ask if you want to activate your product. Answer yes and that you want to access it via the internet. All of the Office Pro products will be activated.

Now you can use Microsoft Pro 2019!

Note: of course, Microsoft Pro 2019 is an older product and probably will not have all the features you can get in Office 365. It is still supported by Microsoft, but support will probably end in a year or two.

Pam and I used Microsoft Office 2007 for over 15 years with no problems. I have been using Microsoft Office 2019 for several years. As a matter of fact, until recently one of the MT43 News laptops was being used and still had Office 2007 on it.

If you are willing to live with the older version of Office Pro it is a really good deal!