This Week In History - March 28
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation
March 28
“Doings of a Week”
C.V. Flynn, one of Toston’s progressive farmers, was a business visitor in the county seat Monday.
Fairfax McCarthy returned Wednesday from a business trip to Livingston.
County commissioner Hugh Broderick of Johnson was in Townsend Wednesday.
Chas. B. Cotter and John Graveley, respectively state committeeman and county chairman of the republican clans, were in the capital city Saturday attending a meeting of the republican state committee.
The new hose cart, recently purchased by the fire department, arrived Friday and is ready for commission at the next call of a fire alarm.
Mrs. C.W. Smith returned Wednesday from California where she accompanied the doctor some weeks ago. Her many friends are glad to see her again in Townsend social circles.
“Radersburg News”
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sullivan of Butte spent Easter Sunday in Radersburg visiting her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris and daughter, Roberta Ann, also with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doughty and Miss Betty.
Supt Mrs. Edith B. Fox of Townsend was a business visitor in Radersburg one day this week.
A beautiful Easter program was well given by the school children of Radersburg with Mrs. Pete Mosier as director. The stage was all set with flowers and ferns and right after Sunday school, the Rev. E.J Mills of Townsend delivered an Easter sermon and baptized five children: Arlene Collins, Ronald, Barbara and Norma Barraugh and Helen Bomer, all of Radersburg.
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Roberts and son, Hugh, were visitors in Townsend Sunday evening.
Mrs. Willis Hossfeld and son, Billie, of Radersburg accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dundas and family of the valley and her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Tally Jenkins and son of Three Forks to spend Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McGowan and family in Boulder.
“Debbie Clark Wins Beef Cook Off Contest”
The annual Beef Cook Off, sponsored by the Broadwater County CowBelles was held Friday. First place winner was Debbie Clark of Toston with “Italian Spaghetti Supreme”. Second place went to Fonda Myles, “Dan’s Sweet and Sour Meatballs”, and third place went to Diana Gabisch with “Mexican Meat Loaf”. Judges for the cook off were Mrs. Herman Moudree and Ron Remick. Debbie will go to the district cook-off in Butte the first part of April.
Following the cook off members held a spaghetti supper for their husbands and guests in the multi-purpose room.
Bob’s Superette donated a door prize.
“Local News”
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gravage and children of Livingston were weekend guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fairfax McCarthy.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heberle and daughter, Jamie, were weekend visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Heberle.
Misses Phyllis and Edwina Neild left Saturday evening by plane for Hawaii where they will visit Gary Kaul, who is stationed at Schoffield Barracks with the U.S. Army.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Marks, Kevin and Rhonda of Garrison were guests over the weekend of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Marks. Robbie Marks who has been visiting the past six weeks with his grandparents returned home with his family. Jerry Marks returned Monday to Montana State University in Bozeman where he is a senior, after enjoying the spring break here with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riis of Winston visited one day this week with Annie Bisby.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hooks have returned after enjoying several days last week in Las Vegas where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anders of Apple Valley, Calif.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sprout were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore of Livingston and Mr. and Mrs. Myron Stevens of Great Falls.
Jim Weinzetl of Billings, student at Western Montana College in Dillon, was visiting friends in town over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Poe and Mrs. Torbett Hensley flew to Richland Sunday with Don Cazier to visit the Poe’s son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fuchs and to get acquainted with their new granddaughter. It was also the Poe’s 28th wedding anniversary and Mrs. Poe said, “and we were still up in the air”.
Notice: Anyone wishing to donate eggs for the annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 13, are reminded to take the boiled eggs to the home of Mrs. Dan Sullivan. Sponsors are hoping to achieve a goal of 60 dozen eggs.
“Around Town News” by Mary Pat Martin
Tuesday visitors with Ray and Betty Horne were Carol Dees and Randy Walker, Helena and Clancy Spurlock, Townsend.
Quinn Urich was an overnight guest Friday of Valerie and Dave Middlemas and daughter, Charity.
Nine-year-old Joshua Ross and his friend, Alan, Belgrade, enjoyed traveling by bus to Townsend last week to spend a few days visiting grandma and grandpa, Pat and Carmen Ross.
Curtis and Susan Spatzierath and Melissa hosted a birthday party over the weekend for son, Daniel’s, 13th birthday. J.R. Middleamas spent Thursday through Sunday with the family and they all enjoyed roller-skating in Helena on Saturday, Happy birthday, Daniel.
Jean Johnson, Marion Cass, Pearl Barraugh and Tops Ralls were among the many on hand recently to help Lovinnie Sperry celebrate her 97th birthday at the Methodist Church.