This Week In History - March 21
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation
March 21
“Sample Copies”
Sample copies of the “Opinion” will be sent out to the non-subscribers, with the invitation to become a regular patron of this paper. If you receive an occasional copy, look it over and we believe you will want it as a regular visitor.
It will be the aim of the “Opinion” to be representative of Broadwater County and its plans are to have local representation in every district in the county.
In short, the “Opinion” is going to be a home product in every essential.
“Light Plant Sale”
On Saturday, March 23, the question of entering into a contract with the Butte Electric & Power Company for furnishing light and power to the town for a period of fifteen years.
The new-born “Opinion” has no desire to be presumptuous, but this paper is progressive in town, state and national matters, and for this reason advocates the change.
It will be a step of progressiveness to cast your vote in favor of the change. Cast your vote in favor of the sale.
“Broadwater Couples Come Home to Warm up”
Spring vacationing out of Montana wasn’t so successful declared Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Whaley when they returned to this county Sunday after a two weeks motor trip into Minnesota and Iowa, where they visited relatives.
In Sioux City, Iowa, they were delayed two days just before starting for home by the worst blizzard, these hard-shelled Montanans say, they ever encountered. The mercury registered just 14 degrees above zero and there were 14 inches of new snow. Then they reached the Montana border, it was to greet farmers starting early spring work, thawing snows in the mountains and mild weather all the way.
“American Legion Honored on 21st Birthday by Party”
The American Legion is of age. It reached its 21st birthday anniversary and last Saturday a celebration was observed that brought together about 60 members of the Legion and the Legion Auxiliary at a party given in their hall, to which the auxiliary were the hostesses. A number of card games were made ready for entertainment at the refreshment hour, two birthday cakes, one for the Legion and one for the auxiliary were cut with much satisfaction. Another large cake was auctioned off to raise money for the flag fund. The cake changed hands three times and at last was given to the lady holding the lucky number. Mrs. Hooks was the lucky one and we have it that during the course of the cake’s changing from one owner’s hands to another, it brought about $12 for the fund mentioned.
Mrs. Fred Kapinos and Mrs. Wm. Jefts were the cake bakers.
The Broadwater Post No. 42 American Legion was organized here 21 years ago. At the 21st anniversary there were four charter members present, Frank T. Hooks, Ed Sheridan, F.G. McCarthy and Jack Blake.
From the old minute book of Broadwater Post 42, it shows the first officers of the post were J.B. Coats, commander; Edgar Hamper, vice-commander; F.G. McCarthy, adjutant; J.J. Davey, finance officer; E.H. Hutheford, Post historian; Arthur Hanson, sergeant at arms.
The following persons appear either as charter members of the post or as members who joined shortly after the organization of the post in 1919: Jack Connors, W.J. Hazleton, J.J. Gillogly, Bert Greaves. F.B. Phillips, Lewis K. Poole, Del Brisbin, Ernest McCuin, Frank Harmen, Jack Cotter, Pat Kirley, V.A. Oaks, Chas. Goode; Ray Bruce, Norman Bruce, Oscar Myers, C.J. Mahony, E.B. Townsley, Ezra Watkins, Chas, Watkins, L.W. Middleton, Jack Call, Reed Schmidt, John Gruar, Frank. T. Hooks, E.R. Vickery, J.K. Doherty, James Egan, Len L. Lefler, J.O. Gross.
In July 1920 J.B. Cates, better known as Ben Cates, resigned as Post Commander and F.G. McCarthy was elected as Post Commander succeeding Cates; McCarthy, having been the first Adjutant, E.R. Vickery was elected to succeed McCarthy, thus becoming the second Post Adjutant.
In listing those members who were either charter members, or early day members, the list is not complete as the early records of the Post pertaining to membership, have been lost and no complete record is now available.
“Winston News” by Nancy Baum
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davies were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gil Clark and family in Townsend.
Sheila Hohn, Dennis Halm and Cliff Cox are spending their spring vacations at the home of their parents from their studies at Montana State University in Bozeman.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Riis, David Clark and Nancy and Darrell Baum attended the Lost Corners square dance festival at the Lincoln Road School in the Helena Valley Saturday evening. David, Nancy and Darrell were accompanied by Karen Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hudson who visited with friends.
Mrs. Jim Cox and Chris attended the Nile Style show Saturday evening at the Helena Civic Center.
St. Patrick’s Day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Masolo and David were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan of Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sullivan and family of Helena and Mrs. Peggy Sullivan of Butte.
“Toston Briefs” by Barbara Berberet
Dale Johnson celebrated his 4th birthday Tuesday, March 12, with a party given by his mother, Mrs. Byron Johnson. Invited guests were Rita and Ruby Johnson, Twila and Doug Arden, Lori and Kelly Hays, Deena and Karen Horne, Nina Flynn, Paul and Tammy Rauser, Phil Clark, Doug Slifka, Johnny Kimpton, Bobby Hossfeld, Stephni, Liza and Guy Bieber, and Nancy and Vicki Lane of Three Forks. After playing several games, birthday cake and ice cream were served and Dale opened many gifts. Mothers attending were Mrs. Gerry Kimpton, Mrs. Lorna Flynn, Mrs. Betty Horne, Mrs. Betty Clark, Mrs. Phyllis Rauser, Mrs. Betty Bieber and Mrs. Lillian Arden.
“Around Town News” by Mary Pat Martin
The fourth annual Townsend picnic in Yuma, Az., was held Feb 14 and was co-hosted by Thelyn Banks and Violet Williams. Local snowbirds attending were Charlie and Verna Adams, Bob and Thelyn Banks, Bud and Lorna Campbell, Art and Doris Chapella, Ray and Marion Forrey, Lucille Freud, Tony and Bernice Francisco, George and Muriel Gabisch, Mike Gabisch, Gerri Gill, Babe and Lucille Goldenstein, Gary and Diana Graveley, John and Coralie Graveley, Gene and June Hardgrove, Ross and Anita Hood, Bill and Anita Kearns, Ron and Dora Kellly, Al and Lillian Lane, George and Mary Ann Lots, Marvin and Mary Lou Meyer, Fred and Arlene Plymale, Bernice Rasmussen, Art and Betty Tintinger, Keith and Lois Valentine, Dean White, Don and Violet Williams and Bob and Barb Wogamon.
Musical entertainment was furnished by George and Muriel Gabisch and Bernie Rasmussen. Prizes were won by Ron and Dora Kelly, longest married; Ray Forrey, oldest guest; Diana Graveley, youngest guest; and Mike Gabisch, who traveled the farthest.
Thelyn said the group missed their three friends who have passed on this year, Frank Ebert, Ellen Moe and Walt Madill. She said they will always hold a place in their hearts.
Thelyn called Saturday and said the weather in Yuma was warm and beautiful. Of course, I reported it was cold and cloudy here that day. So, she said they plan to be home in about a month.