This Week In History - March 14
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation
Dear Readers, Please note, the 1912 Articles are from the "Broadwater Opinion" Newspaper. The rest are from the "Townsend Star"
March 14
“Local Briefs”
Francis Powers, one of the big ranchers of the valley gave us a friendly call while in town Monday, and took occasion to advance a years subscription before he left.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hollaway Tuesday, Mar. 12, a fine baby boy. Floyd is happy and Grandpa Averill and Hollaway are jumping sideways with delight as it means another Democratic vote.
Geo. Myers has purchased a new Ford car.
The Model Grocery Co. will pay 17₵ per pound for fat hens live weight till further notice.
“Our Last Issue”
On our return from Missouri we found Mr. J.M. Cummins of Helena here awaiting our return to see what could be done toward purchasing the Opinion plant. As we go to press, the sale is practically made, only some little details remaining to be used. So without a doubt, Mr. Cummins will be in charge next week. Mr. Cummins comes well recommended as being an experienced newspaperman and a splendid printer. We therefore recommend him to the friends of the Opinion and the people generally of Broadwater County.
In making the sale we get all accounts and subscriptions to date, March 16. Statements will be sent out next week to all and in the meantime any knowing themselves indebted will please call at the office and square up their subscription.
In making the change, we desire to thank the people of the county for their liberal support, and say that only for our misfortune we would have not thought of making the change. The policy of the paper will still be republican, and we ask all to give Mr. Cummins loyal support.
In sending remittances, please address to H.A. Clay.
Very Resp’t,
H.A. Clay
“Local News”
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cartwright and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Whaley left on Friday by car for Frazee, Minn., where they will spend two weeks visiting Mrs. Cartwright’s and Mrs. Whaley’s parents. On their return home, they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Whit Cartwright at Sioux City. They were accompanied as far as Valentine by Mrs. Ed Neild, who will visit her mother and as far as Sidney by Miss Doris Whaley, who will visit her sister, Miss Mary Whaley.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lenahan have been visiting relatives in Portland and returned Sunday, Mr. Lenahan to continue his work for the N.P. at Avon. They stopped off to visit their son, Earl, in Spokane.
Mrs. Otho Ashcraft of Ennis was the guest of her cousin, Miss Cassie Ashcraft, for several days the later part of last week, returning to her home Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Schreiner spent the first of the week in Helena visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred DeWolfe and family. She was accompanied there Sunday by her son, Murray and wife.
Miss Karen Ann Olsen and a friend, Miss Judy Jamieson, of Spokane spent from Thursday to Tuesday in Townsend visiting Mr. and Mrs. F.OL. Olsen. They went to Bozeman Friday night to attend the tournament and stayed with the Howard Wallaces.
“Radersburg News” by Ida Sitton
Allen Smith was a patient in the Broadwater Hospital several days last week, resulting from a fall off a bicycle when the rear wheel came off. He hit his head and skinned his face. He was released Monday and all his friends hope he is feeling better now.
Bozeman visitors Monday were Mrs. Bill Williams, Mrs. Dan Williams, Mrs. John Williams and Mrs. Jim Sitton.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Colby of Townsend called at the Rudy Puttin home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and JoAnn Hunsaker took Paul Harris to Butte early Thursday morning where he took a train for Fort Lewis, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ralls attended the birthday party Sunday for little Tracy Eaton who was one year old. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Eaton of Helena.
Brad Dundas was an overnight guest of Doug Miller Saturday.
“Who is Where in The Armed Forces”
Cpl. Richard Thompson, son of Mrs. Mary Thompson, has been attending NCO leadership school in Vietnam, resulting in his promotion to corporal in the U.S. Marines. Infantry tactics and leadership problems were stressed in this school. He is stationed near Da Nang.
Lt. John R. “Ray” Thompson has been attending a supply school at Garmish, Germany. He is assistant motor officer for the battalion. He is stationed at Kaiser Slatern, near Frankfurt.
Paul Schwisow has been promoted to Sp/5 at his base in Korea where he is stationed. His tour of duty overseas has been extended a month.
“Around Town News” by Mary Pat Martin
Last Saturday evening, Mrs. Hilma White and Joyce Lewis took Edith Alex to dinner at the Fireside.
Sunday Chuck and Eleanor Holling and Eleanor’s mother, Alta Townsley, visited Judy and Gary Olsen.
Ethel and Dave Thorogood were recent overnight guests of their cousins, Marion and Forrest Kitto. The Thorogoods were on their way from their winter home in Yuma Az. to their home in Edmonton, Canada.
Joyce and Bill Lane and Judy and Franklin Slifka hosted a dinner Sunday at the Lane home. Guests were Marion Cass, Edna Hensley, Ernie Cappana, Frank Slifka, Jay Lane, Tara and Jim Lane, Chandler and Colten and Barney and Jean Johnson.
Jo Lewis was guest of honor Saturday at a surprise birthday party at the Senior Center. The 80th birthday celebration was hosted by her children, Charlotte and Don Lewis, Doris and Martin Mingay and Geri and Larry Zollinger, and their families.
About 75 Friends and relatives of Jo’s turned out for the big celebration. Happy birthday, Jo!
From the Townsend Star of March 20, 1924
"Woman's Club Organized in Canton Wed."
Mrs. W.C. Whaley organized a club at Canton on Wednesday, March 19 at the home of Mrs. William Gaab. Mrs. Henry Sherlock gave a very interesting talk on Club work.
Mrs. Gaab was elected chairman, Mrs. Cassius Merritt, Secretary; Committee on by laws and constitution, Mrs. Guy Kirscher, Mrs. John Mannix and Mrs. Ray Bruce.
At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Gaab. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ray Bruce at Canton, Wednesday, April 2 at 3 o'clock, all women of Canton and Vicinity are cordially invited.