Townsend Area Chamber of Commerce Gains Membership
 | Author: Nancy Marks Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor |
Townsend's Chamber of Commerce Gains Memberships
The Townsend Chamber of Commerce (TACC) has begun its climb to gain more members. In a meeting Wednesday February 15 at the Commercial, Co-President Jenni Fellenz reported the group had six more chamber members. Active members had reorganized the group last year after losing many of its members.
Fellenz introduced a membership packet which will be listed online through Facebook and on the website. The packet will include a mission statement and commitment to members as well as a business directory and membership list. The packet will contain photos and information about tourist attractions in the county as well as listings of Broadwater County restaurants and businesses. Fellenz said the packet will be available at City Hall by March 15.
Another possibility for promoting businesses is doing a video of each business to post online. Jeff Simpson, a Montana State University student, launched the TACC website in 2019 and has worked on it since. The videos would be posted there.
The After Hours gathering at JRock Jewelry last month was well attended by local businesses. Another one takes place this evening, 6:30-7:30 p.m., February 22, at Car Quest, the auto parts store on Front Street. Fellenz noted the after-hours business gatherings are a way for owners and operators to communicate and get to know each other.