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Albe Minor Subdivision Takes One More Step Toward Approval


Nancy Marks, Reporter
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

Albe Minor Subdivision Takes One More Step Toward Approval

Nancy Marks


County Commissioners agreed to approve Albe Minor Subdivision with its original conditions at the commissions’ February 14 meeting. An addendum to the preliminary plat regarding a road-access condition did not pass their approval.

Community Development and Planning Director Nichole Brown presented the subdivision, owned by Steve and Dan Upton, for preliminary approval. Steve Upton presented a grant of shared access from adjacent landowner Jim Foster, for a driveway for one of their parcels. Brown indicated this was new information and “implicated” a parcel outside the subdivision, so could not be approved by the commissioners. The commissioners took no action on that consideration.

*City-County Airport hangar renters will see a 4.3 percent increase in their leases beginning July 1. The increase is based on the inflation rate increase.

* The commission approved Museum Board bylaws. Curator Linda Huth pointed out a change in the number of board members. The board will have seven members rather than 11 members. Commissioners accepted the resignations of Ross Johnson and Terry Love. They approved reappointments for Vic Sample, Mike Millay and Sharon Ragen.

*The Greenway Subsequent Minor Subdivision near Three Forks received final plat approval. The five-lot subdivision, owned by Gary Green, is part of the Eagle Ridge Major Subdivision which was approved in 2007.