2024 Election Year
| Author: Victor Sample Vic Sample: MT43 News Treasurer |
2024 Election Year
Victor Sample
Every 2 years Americans experience an Election Year; every 4th year we have a presidential election year and there are more offices up for election – and more candidates.
This year, in Montana, we have a US Senate Seat, the new 2nd Congressional District (Eastern District), Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Office of Public Instruction, State Auditor and Supreme Court Justices. In addition, we have the County Commissioner election.
Every American and every Montanan who is of voting age should make their voice heard by voting. Every voter should research the candidates to ensure they are voting for candidates they believe will reflect their views and beliefs.
But with so many candidates, it’s hard to research all of them. We already have 3 candidates for Governor; 4 candidates for the US Senate Seat; 10 candidates for the Eastern Congressional District and 4 candidates for the MT Supreme Court!
To help you this election year, MT43 News has created a new web page – Election Center. This page will contain links to information about the election and the candidates; the Montana Free Press has already published an article about the early candidate filings and will update the information as the year progresses. We will also list all of the offices that are up for election and the active candidates for those offices. On that page, we will have links to articles (usually press releases) about the candidates.
MT43 News has subscribed to every candidate that offers an email newsletter. We will sort through the many, many emails (most of them donation requests) and include the articles that discuss the candidate's philosophy and position on the issues.
The Election Center page will be available through the election in November and will be updated as we have new information to publish.
The page is currently available with information about the candidates researched so far. We expect new candidates to be announced; we expect candidates to drop out. We will update the page as news becomes available to us.
Visit our website at https://mt43news-business-services.com and click on the Election Center link or the Election Center menu tab.
You can visit the page directly at https://mt43news-business-services.com/mt43newsElectionCenter