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Letter To the Editor
Author: Doug Purcell


When I hear someone threaten civil war I cringe. Civil war is not heroic, glorious or patriotic. The best description of civil war I have read came from Private Robert Carter who served in a burial party at Gettysburg in July 1863. "They slid into the trenches, (they) broke apart, to the horror and disgust of the whole party, and the stench still lingers in our nostrils. As many as ninety bodies were thus disposed of in one trench...most of them were tumbled in just as they fell with not a prayer, eulogy or tear to distinguish them from so many animals."

620,000 men died in the Civil War to teach us that courthouses and voting booths are the best place to settle our differences. Since the Civil War, another 626,000+ men and women have died to keep the horror of war off of American soil.

When a person threatens civil war against America they are spitting on the graves of those who gave their lives to keep America safe and free.

Doug Purcell


Sources: The Gettysburg Compiler Statista, Google

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