This Day In History - February 15
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and t he Cotter Foundation
February 15
“Local Briefs”
Sadie Doggett came in from Wicks Saturday, where she is teaching, on a short visit returning Monday.
Bish Williams and family spent Sunday and Monday visiting in Radersburg.
Senator Muffly of Winston was mingling with friends in Townsend Tuesday.
C.P. Phillips, Townsend’s Haberdasher, made a business trip to Radersburg today. He will return Friday.
Billy Clapp came out from Helena Sunday to see his ranch. He found it all there and returned.
Floyd Hollaway of Townsend Merc. Co. was in Helena between trains Monday.
On Tuesday evening Mrs. Bert Tarrant entertained a number in honor of the birthday of her husband. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tarrant, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Cletis Clark, Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Sautter and Thos. Clark. Mrs. John Zimmerman and Cletis Clark were high scorers and Mrs. Bill Zimmerman and Mr. Sautter were low scorers in the game of pinochle. Valentine favors and decorations were used and Bert was forcibly reminded that his romantic birthday date had again rolled around.
Greenie Elevated to Future Farmers Degree”
Members of the Broadwater chapter of F.F.A. raised eight greenhands to the Future Farmers degree, at a meeting held Feb. 5. The boys who made the degree were Bill Biggs, Glen White, Robert Pennington, Junior McLane, John Goebell, Bob Mongrain, Bill Daniels, Douglas Christie. The boys were initiated before being raised to the Future Farmer degree, and after the ceremony, were awarded with F.F.A. emblems. A game of basketball was played, and then a chili feed was served.
There are four grades of membership in the F.F.A.: the Greenhand, Future Farmer, State Farmer and the American Farmer. The Future Farmer degree is the highest degree that can be be conferred on a member by the local chapter. The State Farmer degree is conferred on a member at the state convention at Bozeman; and the American Farmer at the national convention held at Kansas City.
“Winston-Claysoil News” by Nancy Baum
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Riis, Tim and David Clark and Nancy and Darrell Baum attended the square dance at the multi-purpose room of the grade school in Townsend Saturday evening. The dance was sponsored by the Capital Squares dance group of Helena and Art Hermanson was caller. Delicious refreshments were served by the host croup.
Mr. and Mrs. John Masolo entertained at a birthday dinner Sunday for the members of the Masolo family who have February birthdays. Guests of honor were Craig Masolo, Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Masolo and Mrs. Wesley Diehl. Other guests who helped them celebrate their birthdays were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Masolo and David, Wesley Diehl and children and Charles Wallace.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hohn announce the promotion of their son, James, to sergeant on Feb. 1. Jim is stationed at Sewart Air Force Base in Tennessee.
The many friends of Charles Masolo and Bill Diehl helped them celebrate their birthdays at a party at the Winston Hall Saturday night.
“Around Town News”
Tuesday visitors with Kenneth and Lela Biggs were Thurston and Susan Elfstrom, Helena, Wednesday Kenneth and Nadine and his sister, enjoyed dinner at the Fireside.
Helena Burmaster traveled to White Sulphur Springs Sunday to visit her sister, Lena and Les Walters, Wednesday Lena and Helen were in Helena to attend the Community Concert.
Wednesday Lillian Fisher, Bernice Cartwright and Ione Schwisow enjoyed the Community Concert in Helena.
Weekend visitors with Lillian were Emil and Harriet Czehura, Butte; Irma Meyer and Jay and Colleen Meyer, John and Mary, Stevensville and Gilbert and Lydia Fisher, Belgrade.
Lane Gobb, who turns 8 this week, celebrated Friday with overnight guests, Tory Gillespie and Nathan Cox.
Saturday Doreen Sautter took Elaine Huckins to the Valentine luncheon at the Methodist Church. During the popular event the ladies enjoyed a skit put on by Evelyn Alley, Ginny Poole, Mary Foster, Julie Diehl and Amber Rauser.
Tuesday Lillian Fisher and Florence Anderson were business callers in Helena.