Obituary: James Kevin Mcdonnell
Author: Augusta Mcdonnell
James Kevin Mcdonnell
Augusta Mcdonnell
James Kevin McDonnell passed away peacefully in his Townsend home on January 19, 2024, following an extended illness that he faced with the same courage and positivity that defined his entire life. He was 62.
Kevin was born in Billings, Montana, on December 19, 1961, to Leo McDonnell, Sr., and Donna (Dowlin) McDonnell. He was the sixth child and third son in a rambunctious, hard-working ranch family.
Kevin spent his early years in Joilet and Billings, Montana, where he participated in many activities, including 4-H, wrestling, roping, and working the family businesses – Midland Bull Test and the Joliet ranch. Kevin graduated from Billings West High School in 1980 and received his engineering degree from Montana State University. Kevin had a long career in engineering, both in the private sector and with the State of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks.
He was married to Beth Ihle for 22 years and raised his family in Townsend, Montana, where he lived for over 30 years. Kevin had a lifelong love for Montana and any activity that could keep him outside, notably skiing, biking, fishing, and hunting. While supporting his beloved kids, he led the Townsend School and Heritage Park renovations and coached numerous sports teams. Kevin showed love for his community through decades of service and set the highest example of what it means to be a leader in one's community.
He is preceded in death by his father, mother, and his sister, Mary Von Forell (Hardy). He is survived by four children from his marriage to Beth: Andrew Weston McDonnell (Megan), Augusta Renee Conley (Ryan), Katherine Faye McDonnell (Russ), and Grace Amelia McDonnell, and granddaughter, Savannah Ruth McDonnell, and three siblings, Mike McDonnell, Jeanette Manley (Scott), Leo McDonnell, Jr., (Sam), and Patty Brus (Tim), and a large extended family.
Please join the family this weekend to honor Kevin's life.
A Family Receiving Friends viewing at the Stevenson Wilkes Funeral Home in Townsend, Montana, will be open from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Friday, January 26.
A Celebration of His Life will be held at the Trailhead Christian Fellowship Church in Townsend at 11 a.m. on Saturday, January 27. A reception with a sit-down lunch will follow directly after the service at the Townsend School Commons.
Donations may be sent to Kevin McDonnell Memorial Scholarship Fund at Opportunity Bank, 400 Broadway, Townsend, MT 59644.
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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: McDonnell Family
Image 1 Caption: Kevin McDonnell and Granddaughter
Photo Credits: McDonnell Family