American Legion Invites Everyone to Share the Holidays at the Legion Club
Author: American Legion Post 42
American Legion Post 42 would like to share the holidays with everyone!
Here is our schedule of Holiday Events
Veteran’s Day, November 11
• Veteran’s Day Ceremony at 11:00;
• Free “Build Your Own Burger” burger bar at Noon.
Thanksgiving, November 24
• Thanksgiving is the Legion traditional potluck open to all. Dish sign-up at the bar. Anyone is welcome to donate a dish even if you don’t come to the potluck dinner.
Christmas Stroll, December 3
• Dave Corner will be serving gumbo and clam chowder during the Christmas Stroll.
• Any vendors that would like a table in the Legion Hall can leave their info on the voicemail at the Legion Bar phone number or with the bartender and Mark Boaz will get back to them.
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