Court Beat January 5, 2024
 | Author: Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent MT43 News Correspondent |
January 5, 2024
Dee Gannon
MT43 News Correspondent
The criminal docket in Judge Michael Menahan’s courtroom on Friday, January 5, 2024, is as follows:
Stacy Croy had a Status Hearing. She will appear for a Change of Plea on Friday, February 2, 2024.
Kayleen Bowser appeared for a Change of Plea; pleading Guilty to Partner/Family Member assault (second). Her elocution stated, “I threw a shoe at my partner, causing threat of bodily harm.” She has been released from Broadwater County to serve her D.O. C. commitment; where she can get appropriate. treatment. She may have contact with the alleged victim.
Dylan Ridenhour had two cases, that were treated as a global resolution. His cases involve burglary and resisting arrest. He is Sentenced to four years D.O. C, deferred. He must serve nine months for treatment. He must pay fees and surcharges of $80; and must be screened for treatment and pre-release.
Kale Murgel will have a Change of Plea and Sentencing on January 12, 2024.
Robert Cluff had a Change of Plea on a charge of criminal possession of dangerous drugs (meth). In his elocution, he stated that he possessed meth in Broadwater County. His sentencing will take place on February 2, 2024.
Donald Dewitt was present for Sentencing on a charge of a fourth DUI. Five years D.O.C; all suspended. He has been attending Veteran’s Treatment Court for the last three months, successfully in Billings. He is ordered to complete VTC and pay a $1,000 fine; $80 in fees and surcharges; and another $50 fee for a new Pre-Sentence Investigation.