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This Day In History - January 25


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and

The “Cotter Foundation”

January 25


“Toston News”

Mr. and Mrs. Christopherson of Red Lodge have moved to Toston.. Mr. Christopherson is employed on the dam.

The home demonstration club had a public card party at the church. Auction and contract bridge were played. High in contract was Mrs. Harry Johnson, Mrs. A.J. Chubbuck, low; high in auction was Mrs. Oscar Nelson, Mrs. Clarence Berberet, low.

Mrs. A. Anderburg entertained her bridge club Friday at a one o’clock luncheon. Those enjoying the afternoon were Mrs. Chas. Hageman., Mrs. Olai Kallevang, Mrs. Roy Stith, Mrs. Pete Mosier, Mrs. Danielson, Mrs. Lyle Middleton, Mrs. S.L. Young. Mrs. Lyle Middleton was high.


“Snow Removal”

Snow removal was in progress last week when Ray Doig, city street commissioner, was operating the county loader to scoop up snow from the windrow along the center of Broadway. The snow was loaded on dump trucks, manned by other city employees, and hauled away. Five blocks along the street were cleared that day. County officials were very cooperative about lending equipment to the city for this project.

“Housewarming for Holzwarth Family”

Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Holzwarth were honored at a house-warming Saturday evening in their new home on South Maple Street. Hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Tony Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Girdler, Mr. and Mrs. Al Copeland and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Doig. The evening was enjoyed playing games. A bridge table and four chairs were presented to the honored couple from the group. A buffet supper was served. Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Antonich, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hensley, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Foss, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grossman, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wogamon, Mr. and Mrs. John Jepson, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hooks, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Helmick, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Huth, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Valentine of Helena and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Davis of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

“Linda McHenry Surprised with Farewell Party”

Miss Linda McHenry was honored last Saturday afternoon at a surprise going away party, given at the home of Patti Copeland. Linda has moved to Missoula where she will make her home with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie McHenry. Those attending the party were Jill Brammer, Candy Whitehead, Cheryl Waling, Pat Huth, Debbie Graham, Debi Herbst, Connie Ragen, Carrie Harrigfeld, Patricia Perry, Barb Page, Janet Richardson and the hostess.


“4-H News”

“Old Baldy 4-H” by Jared Graveley

The fourth meeting of the old Baldy 4-H Club was called to order by President Kristen Graveley on Monday, Jan. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Dr. Erick Sorenson. The pledge to the flag was led by Nick Rauser and the 4-H pledge was led by Joe Kirscher. Roll Call was “My Hero”. Craig Mingay read the minutes of the previous meeting and also gave the treasurer’s report.

Amy Kirscher reported on the Christmas party. Jodi Romo reported on the food baskets which were delivered to some residents in the county, and Kristen reported on the turkey raffle which was won by Deanne Place. Allison Flynn reported on the tree cutting party.

A Junior Leaders pizza party will be held at Jasper’s Jan. 21 at 4 p.m.

There will be meeting for all 4-Hers enrolled in horse projects. Their parents are encouraged to attend the meeting. The meeting will be held in the Community Room of the library.

A talk was given by Amy Kirscher. Amanda Sorenson gave a demonstration of peanut butter treats and Nik Sorenson gave a demonstration of the proper way to clean a saddle. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Sorenson. The next meeting of the Old Baldy 4-H Club will be held on Feb. 19.

“Canton Club Reviews Projects”

Canton Club Woman’s Club held its January meeting at the home of Helen Burmaster; co-hostesses were Ione Schwisow and Margaret Kenny.

A review of club projects for the past year was reported. The club received a second place award in District IV for community support of the library. Several small financial contributions were made, $100 to the ambulance defibrillator and $25 to the Community Day honoring former resident philanthropist, Tom Cotter.

Mike Koehnke, EMT instructor, gave a very interesting and informative talk about the volunteer EMT and fireman program. These volunteers give hours of their time to these worthy projects.