This Day In History - January 18
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation
January 18
“Radersburg News”
The Sunday school is making great strides forward under the supervision of the new superintendent, Mrs. Pete Mosier of the Ohio mine, with 47 present, the air plane contest is soaring their way to loftier heights for the Sunday school enrollment with Frankie Popis and Chas. Kroll as pilots.
The Ben Martin pool hall where men have spent their leisure moments for many years will close its doors. L.A. Berg of the Corner pool room bought out the interests and Radersburg can boast but one pool room.
Fred Schmitz of Townsend was a business visitor in Radersburg Wednesday.
Thos. Williams, Bill Williams and Clyde Bottler were business visitors in Townsend Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sitton of Helena motored to Radersburg to visit his folks, Mr. and Mrs. John Sitton and with other relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Leach and family of Radersburg spent Saturday at the home ranch of her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams and son, Stanley, in the valley.
Roller skating in Radersburg is still going strong. There was a large crowd out Saturday night and a good time enjoyed by old and young.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Edenfield started to Winsotn Friday over the hill and found the roads so badly drifted, they had to turn back home.
“Winston News”
Mrs. Blanche Fouts of Winston visited in Townsend with Annie Bisby recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark made a business trip to Great Falls Friday.
Mrs. Al Albright is employed at the Masonic Home in the Helena Valley.
Jim Cox flew a chartered plane to Billings Sunday and reported the air above much warmer than on the ground.
Several Winston residents attended the cutter races in Belgrade Sunday afternoon. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Diehl, Mrs. Bill Diehl, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Masolo, Kenny Hagbom, Tom Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Diehl.
The Townsend Toe Tappers held their monthly square dance at the Winston Hall Friday night and reported a good turnout. Election of officers was held and those elected were: Dave Clark, chairman; Darrell Baum, treasurer; Carynn Bieber, publicity, and Nancy Baum, foods committee. The next dance will be Friday, Feb. 9 and will be a Valentine dance. All square dancers are welcome and the Toe Tappers enjoy having outsiders and adults enjoy their evening of fun. They also believe the assistance of the adults is a benefit to them.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baum and daughter, Kimberly and Danny Baum visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Myles and two daughters Sunday afternoon and they all enjoyed sno-mobiling.
“Eight Make MSU Honor Roll”
Eight Townsend students earned honor roll for fall semester 1995 at Montana State University in Bozeman: Cory Bird, Susan Bradway, Courtney Cox, Ashley Davis, Tracey Kirksey, Marni Kitto, Karen Lambott and Sara Mc Ardle all earned at least a 3.25 grade point average in 15 or more credit hours of classwork to make the list.
“Around Town News”
The Lutheran Women’s Cluster retreat was held Friday and Saturday at the home of Jan Stocks. The group includes members from Dillon, Butte, Helena and Townsend. Locals attending were Helen Burmaster, Sig Wood, Sharon Borer, Marge Urich, Aubra Lewis, Sherrill Dolezilek and Fern Kirley.
Ray Horne traveled to White Sulphur Springs Saturday and Sunday to visit Maurice Crabtree.
Franklin and Judy Slifka hosted a dinner Monday for Rich and Donna Slifka of Bakersfield, Frank Slifka, Marion Cass and Joyce and Bill Lane.
Weekend visitors with Jackie and Don Kynett and Adam were Angela Reighard, Austin and Brenden, Billings; and Lindsey, Kelsey and Darsey, East Helena.