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This Day In History - January 11


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and

The “Cotter Foundation”

January 11


“Canton Valley”

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hehir of Missoula, who have been spending the past two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan in the valley and with other relatives in Helena, departed for their home in Missoula on Thursday of last week.

G.H. Hardgrove of Helena, brother of James Hardgrove, who is now visiting at the Hardgrove ranch, arrived last Sunday.

Frank Weiferich loaded a mixed bunch of cattle on board the train Tuesday. He will unload them at Bozeman and enter them in the sale to be held there on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Daniels of Cottonwood had as guests Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Robert Behrend and son and daughter, Henry Meyer of Winston and Mr. and Mrs. G.P. Keene of the valley.


“GI in Vietnam Thanks Crow Creek Woman’s Club”

28 Dec. ‘67

To Members of the Crow Creek Woman’s Club.

My name is Sp/5 Lewis Garnett. I received a Christmas gift bag from your club. I want to thank you very much for thinking of me and the rest of the GIs in Vietnam.

Some of the items in the bag were just what I needed, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I received the Christmas bag on Christmas day. My home is in Detroit, Michigan. I plan on making Colorado my home state in the years to come.

Again I want to thank you all for the Christmas bag. Next Christmas I’ll surely think of you all.

You have brought joy to many hearts. Thank you.

I wish you all Best Wishes for a Happy New Year.

Yours truly, Lewis Garnett

“Toston Briefs”

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slifka were honored on their 30th wedding anniversary Thursday evening, Jan. 4 when their sons and wives, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Slifka and family and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slifka and a number of friends came to congratulate them. A social evening was enjoyed and a luncheon was served. A three tiered anniversary cake, decorated with silver bells centered the table. It was baked by Mrs. Franklin Slifka. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Chris Arden, Mrs. Harold Johnson and John and Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Slifka opened lovely gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mitchell of Dillon were weekend guests of Mrs. Mitchel’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Greaves.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Linch of East Helena visited Sunday at the Jim Plummer home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Austin and daughter, Clarice, were Saturday evening dinner guests at the Bill Berberet home.

Janice Van Vliet was a Sunday overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anzik. Monday she visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Plummer and family.


“Around Town News”

Chuck and Eleanor Holling returned this week following a two week visit with their children in Casper, Wyo. While there they stayed with their son and family, Spencer and Chris Holling and Chelsea. Joining them several times during their visit were their son and his family, Tim and Beth Holling and Christopher and Sabine Holling and Jennifer. Other guests there on Christmas day for dinner were Chris’s father, Wayne Moore and Uncle Darrell Moore. During their stay they helped Chelsea celebrate her 4th birthday.

Recently Bernice Cartwright and Lillian Fisher were business callers in Helena.

New Year’s Day guests of Felicity and Mike McFerrin were their son and family, Greg and Carmen McFerrin, Allissa and Hunter, East Helena; Rob Dagnall and Kate; Rene Dagnall; and Julie and Rick Diehl, Winston.

Jack and Doreen Sautter returned home Thursday, December 29th following a three week trip that took them to Las Vegas where they were joined by their son, John from San Diego, for the National Finals Rodeo. Doreen and Jack then drove to Mesa, AZ to visit her sister, Audrey for two days. They then drove to Colorado Springs to spend two weeks with their daughter and her family, Susan and Gary Ritter, Jeffrey and Danielle. On the way home they drove across Wyoming to Billings. Doreen reported the weather was good during the trip, but it was sure good to be back in Montana.