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Are "Situationships" Worth It?
Author: Two Cents Columnist

Are "Situationships" Worth It?

Dear Two Cents,

I’m a 21 YO female currently in a ‘situationship’ with an older guy. We met at a birthday party and vibed all night long, because we were the only 2 single people amongst the friend group. We exchanged numbers and started chatting a lot. Fast forward - we’ve moved from a WhatsApp ‘situationship’ to a full-on sneaking around. We made a deal to hit each other up whenever the itch was there and then move on with our separate lives. We’ve been carrying on like this for months now. Then suddenly, he stated he wanted to take a break. I must have accidentally fallen because I was distraught but agreed to it, and gave myself some time to get over this crazy feeling cause it wasn’t part of the deal. But now we’re back at it like nothing happened, and he says things that make me think he might feel something too. I’m really unsure. What do I do?

Sincerely, Caught Feelings

Dear Caught,

Stop seeing this boy and move on! Friends-with-benefits/situationships almost never last - as someone inevitably catches feelings. You have, and it's noticeably one-sided. Healthy relationships can come from these arrangements, but they certainly don't involve "maybe" feelings, and instead are a resounding, undoubtedly "YES!" We're concerned that during your "break" he was potentially pursuing another partner that fell through. (Don't believe us? Ask him directly.) You deserve to be someone's first choice, not the fallback option. Know your worth and get gone.

Sincerely, Two Cents