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County Commissioners Hold Short Regular Meeting November 29


Nancy Marks, Reporter
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

County Commissioners Hold Short Regular Meeting November 29

Nancy Marks


County Administrative Officer Bill Jarocki announced at the regular Commissioners meeting he will be holding public sessions to answer any questions the public or press might have related to ongoing county government business. The first meeting is Monday, December 18 at 2:00 pm in his courthouse office.

Wade Litton has purchased an airplane hangar at the airport. He requested to sign a lease to rent airport space with Broadwater County and the City of Townsend. The new lease, which was developed by Deputy County Attorney Jania Hatfield, will apply to all airport leases. Commissioner Darrel Folkvord, who is the county liaison on the Airport Board, said all hanger spaces are filled at this time. The lease with Litton was approved.

A Parks and Recreation Board Update was postponed.

The Commissioners approved the selection of Mt 43 News as the county’s newspaper of record after discussion about two submitted requests for proposal. Mt 43 News and Broadwater County News responded to the county’s request for bids. The two-year contract includes a set charge for county legal advertising. The newspaper will print meeting agendas without charge.