Celebrate Christmas with Trailhead Church
Author: Kelley Gobbs, Trailhead Church
Celebrate Christmas with Trailhead Church
Kelley Gobbs
Trailhead Church
The month of December tends to bring on more stress with even busier schedules, more events, added expenses, and extra to-do lists. The time leading up to Christmas is often referred to as Advent, which is a Latin word meaning “coming”. During this time, Christians anticipate the joy of Jesus’ first coming and wait in eager expectation for the day He will come again. As we wade our way through this busy Advent Season, our prayer is for hearts to be focused on the King of Kings. Slow down and find joy through it all.
As a church body, we are excited to share with you all the Christmas happenings at Trailhead. Our annual Children’s Christmas program is on Sunday, December 10 at 4 pm. The children are working hard to memorize their lines and practice their songs for “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”. After the program, there will be a soup and bread dinner that everyone is welcome to attend.
AWANA kids and leaders plan to celebrate Jesus’ Birthday on Wednesday, December 20 during their regular weekly AWANA meeting. The party includes fun games, decorations, and a birthday cake for Jesus! On the same evening, the Trailhead Youth Group will do its annual Christmas Caroling Tour. Each year, the 40-plus junior high and high school kids go to the nursing and assisted living homes in Townsend, spreading Christmas joy to the residents. The kids celebrate the Coming King with caroling and the reading of the Christmas Story from the gospel of Luke.
Sunday, December 24 will include our regular Sunday Morning Worship service at 10 am. We are also hosting the annual Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at 4:30 that evening. This is a wonderful time with the glow from candles, beautiful Christmas hymns, and the story of our Savior.
Trailhead Church and the many volunteers look forward to delivering the annual Christmas Meal on Monday, December 25. The menu includes ham or turkey, potatoes, vegetables, rolls, and dessert. The meals are provided and delivered at no cost to anyone who would like one. It’s our simple gift to the community of Broadwater County. Meals are delivered a bit past noon on Christmas Day. If you would like to sign up to help volunteer preparing, cooking, or delivering the meals, please contact us at info@trailheadchristmaschurch.com. If you would like to receive a meal (s), please call 406-266-4406 and leave a detailed message. This is something our congregation looks forward to doing every year. Join us for a delicious, home-cooked meal!
Lastly, we are celebrating a few big milestones in our Building to Serve Expansion and fundraising campaign. The building is dried in and ready for the Montana winter. This completes Phase 1 of the project, which is an exciting accomplishment. Second, a generous donor has pledged $250,000 in matching funds through December 31. That means, for every $1 we receive in donations toward the Building to Serve fundraiser, they will match up to $250,000. We are so grateful for all of the generosity and the Lord’s provision throughout this entire project.
We pray your December and Advent season be marked by rest, abundance, and joy! Join us and find your rest in gospel truth this holiday season. Merry Christmas!
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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Kelley Gobbs
Image 1 Caption: Angels: Mariah Van Zee and Mayble Gobbs
Photo Credits: Kelley Gobbs
Image 2 Caption: Trailhead Youth Group Caroling at Silver Springs.
Photo Credits: Kelley Gobbs