I Am Thankful
Author: Mark Roelofs, Trailhead Church
I Am Thankful
Mark Roelofs
Trailhead Church
First Thessalonians 5:18 says to give thanks in all circumstances. In this Season of Thanks, I am thankful for so many blessings. Here are a few of them.
I am thankful for physical life. Though my body aches a bit more and my eyesight is changing (I just had to get readers) as I age, I’m grateful for the health I have and for another day to be alive.
I am thankful for my family – for my wife and our girls. Our girls are both at college this year, so Beth and I are empty nesters, but we are so grateful that – with modern technology – we can communicate with our girls almost any time we want. And we’re grateful our girls are only a short airplane flight away so they can come home during breaks.
I am thankful for my extended family. My parents are both still alive, and I am grateful I can be in relationship with them and get to see them on a relatively regular basis. My mom-in-law is dear to us, as are our brothers and sisters on both sides of our family, and we get to see them a couple times a year as well. That is a blessing!
I am thankful for my church family. The Lord is doing some powerful work in people’s lives, and that is such a blessing and encouragement to me. People are growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ. People are growing in their love for God and His Word. People are growing in their understanding of the Good News of the Gospel – that Christ took the punishment we deserved when He died on the cross, and He rose from the grave three days later defeating sin and death on behalf of all who would repent and believe. People are growing in their love for and service to each other and neighbors. People are growing in their desire to make much of God, to live for His glory rather than our own. People are growing in obedience to Christ and His commands – empowered by the Holy Spirit. God is doing these things in my own life as well. I am grateful for each of these!
I am thankful for our community. I have recently had the privilege to be involved in funerals/memorial services for people of our community, and it is a blessing and encouragement to see this community support those who are grieving the loss of loved ones.
Most of all, as I think about Christmas, I am thankful for Jesus Christ, who laid aside His glory to take on human flesh so that He could save His people from their sins.
And thank you – for taking your precious time to read this. I hope it serves to encourage you, and to spur you on as you think about what you can be thankful for!