Townsend Trees Planted for Special Purposes
| Author: Patrick Plantenberg, Tree Board Chair Townsend Tree Board Chair, Townsend Rotary Club |
Townsend Trees Planted for Special Purposes
Patrick Plantenberg
Tree Board Chair
This is the fifteenth of a series of articles about trees planted in Townsend and Broadwater County to honor people, special events, or for other purposes. The Tree Board hopes people will come forward with more information on other trees planted on public as well as private property so the tree and its purpose can be documented.
68) Acer ginnala, Amur Maple; planted in 2007 in Veteran’s Park.
• This tree was planted on May 6, 2007, on Join Hands Day in memory of Gloria Poole - Veteran, Army Nurses Corp 1944-46, American Legion Member, Nurse, Mother, Cook, Seamstress, and Bridge Player. Planted by Family, Rotary, American Legion, Boy Scout Troops 231 and 235, and the Tree Board. The tree was paid for by the Rotary Club and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. The tree is the third tree west of the northeast corner of Veterans Park. Amur maples do not like our alkaline soils so they must be treated annually with chelated iron and elemental sulphur. The tree is in good condition.
69) Sorbus acuparia ‘Skinner’, Skinner Mountain Ash; planted in 2009 in Heritage Park.
• This tree was planted in 2009 in the Heritage Park Playground. The Heritage Park Improvement Committee recognized Beth Ihle and the McDonnell family for their generous donations of time and money to make Heritage Park a fun, safe place for the community. The tree was paid for by the Heritage Park Improvement Committee and planted north of the east swing set in Heritage Park. The tree has fireblight and must be treated twice a year. The tree is in fair condition.
70) Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak; planted in 2006 on Courthouse property in memory of Barb Schafer.
• This tree was planted and dedicated on May 5, 2006, in memory of Barb Shafer – Owner of Big Sky Floral, Twice President of the Lion’s Club, and First Lady President of the Chamber of Commerce. The tree was planted by Friends, Family, and the Tree Board. The tree was paid for by the Tree Board. The tree is the closest Bur Oak tree to the bench in the southwest corner of the Courthouse property. The tree has bullet galls, a common condition for Bur Oaks. The tree is in good condition.
71) Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak; planted in 2006 on Courthouse property in memory of Helen Burmaster.
• This tree was planted in May and dedicated on June 25, 2006, in memory of Helen Burmaster- a member of the Garden Club, Canton Valley Woman’s Club, and the Tree Board. She was an Avid Quilter and Just a Good Person. The tree was planted by Broadwater County High School students and the Tree Board. The tree was paid for by the Tree Board. The tree is in the southwest corner of the Courthouse property and is the middle tree in a row of three Bur Oaks. The tree has bullet galls, a common condition for Bur Oaks. The tree is in good condition.
72) Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ‘Prairie Silk’, Prairie Silk Honeylocust; planted in 2012 in McCarthy Park to honor Trooper David DeLaittre.
• The original tree was planted in the spring of 2011 to honor Trooper David DeLaittre - EOW December 1, 2010. The tree was planted by the Tree Board. The tree was donated by Tony Mistek. The original tree died and the new honeylocust was planted in 2012. The tree is the third tree on the right as you enter McCarthy Park. The tree is in fair condition.