This Day In History - Dec. 28
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”
December 28
“Townsend Rotary Hears Interesting Talk on Hospitals”
Townsend Rotary club held its regular meeting Tuesday evening at 6:30 at the I.O.O.F. hall with the president, Earl W. Brown, presiding.
The meeting was in charge of R.M. O’Hearn and Dr. F.P. Nash. Mr. O’Hearn spoke briefly on programs of the future and suggested that a good number of the programs should be provided by member talent. Dr. Nash then gave an outline of the new addition to Broadwater Hospital and Clinic’s building, informing the club that 15 new patients' rooms would be provided including eight private rooms for which there had been an increasing demand. “At the present,” said the doctor, “the basement of the addition will not be completed until a demand arises for its use. At its completion the hospital will be able to care for nearly 45 patients.”
Dr. Nash also spoke on hospitals and administration of hospitals in general, stating that hospitals in the recent years “were responsible for increasing longevity from 50 to 65 years”. A brief general discussion on construction, insulation, lighting, acoustics and heating followed and the meeting was adjourned.
“Radersburg News”
The Christmas program at the schoolhouse this year was the usual success with everyone coming out to watch the plays and the small children to see Santa Clause and receive gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Greaves left last Wednesday for California to spend the holiday season with their daughter, Marie and sons, Charles and David and their families.
Mrs. John Williams drove to Bozeman last week to bring her daughter, Sharley, home for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Bish Williams and Marilyn were Christmas dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Grandchamp.
Mrs. Jack Ralls and children went to Helena Monday evening on the bus. Jack Ralls drove in for them on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Greaves drove to Butte last Saturday to meet Mrs. Greaves’ sister, Millie, who came up form California for the holidays.
“John Hunters Win Christmas Home Decorating Contest”
The trailer home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter at 515 North Cedar with old Santa on the roof, a fireplace and lights all over the place won top prize this year in the Rotary Club Christmas home decoration contest. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are to be complimented on their fine piece of work.
Second place honors went to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sautter at 611 East Broadway, and third prize went to Miss Sydney Sherwood who was responsible for the attractive display at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sherwood on South Walnut.
Tony Francisco, president of the Townsend Rotary club made the announcement of the winners yesterday after conferring with the judges. He stated the judges had a number of homes under consideration for the three cash prizes of $15, $10 and $5. Those getting honorable mention were Jack Pooles, Logan Davises, Don Hollaways, Hank Lohrs, Glenn Perry, Jr., John Zipperian, Jr., and Lorraine Olsens.
“Who is Where in the Armed Forces”
E-4 John Marks left Tuesday after visiting the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Marks. John is aboard the Lyman K. Swenson, a destroyer recently returned from a tour in Vietnamese waters. He left by car Tuesday for San Diego with Lt.jg. Gary Cruson, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Horne during the holidays.
Pvt. Clyde Retterer was in town last week visiting friends. He is stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas with the Army Reserves.
Howard White is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard White, on holiday leave. He is now stationed at Newport, R.I., where he is attending Naval Officers Candidate School. This is a four months school and he will graduate March 6 with a commission as Ensign.
CTSN Art Graham arrived Saturday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Graham, over the holidays. Art has been stationed at Goodfellow Air Force Base in Texas, enrolled in a security school. Upon completion of his leave, he will report to Washington, D.C. Jan .9 where he will take further schooling.
Tom Massa, U.S. Seabees, arrived home Saturday to visit over Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Massa. This leave was due to a delay in orders. Tom will report Thursday to Travis Air Force Base from where he will leave for Quezon City, Philippine Islands, for further duty.
Harvey Delger, construction mechanic with the Seabees, stationed at Gulfport, Miss., is visiting during the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.I. Delger and family. He will report back to Gulfport for further duty when his leave is up.
Lt. Jg. Gary Cruson who has been visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Horne, left Tuesday by car for San Diego where he is now stationed. He is still assigned to the carrier, U.S.S. Bennington.
“Glen Perry Home Winner of Rotary Decoration Prize”
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Perry, who live on North Walnut Street, walked off with first prize money of $15.00 in the Townsend Christmas home decoration contest sponsored by the Rotary Club.
Second place and a $10.00 prize went to Rev. Terry Anderson and wife who live on North Cherry, and third place and $5.00 went to Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Waling on South Cedar street.
Honorable mention in the judging was rated by the Al Zipperians, John Feistners and Donald Beavers.
This annual contest spurs Townsend resident to come up with some beautifully decorated homes for the holiday season, thanks to the Townsend Rotary club.
“’Round Town” News
Annabelle Diehl and Delores Morgan of Helena called on Mrs. Arthur Diehl and Annie Bisby last Wednesday.
Christmas day guests at the home of Frank and Evelyn Shearer were Wayne and Joanne Shearer and baby of East Helena, Lawrence and Betty Shearer, Robert and Olivia Ingersoll and Don, Irene and Dan Shearer.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harvey and family spent the holidays visiting in Fort Benton and Havre with their parents and other relatives.
Week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Pottruff were their sons, Kerry and Bob of Billings, Doug of Great Falls and Greg of Helena.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Zollinger and family of Billings spent the holidays visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Lanning and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zollinger and with other relatives and friends.