This Day In History - Dec. 7
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”
December 7
“Local Briefs”
Mrs. Joe Sitton and son, Wm., Of Radersburg were county seat visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kapinos enjoyed a visit over the week end from their son, Kay, who is a member of the U.S. Army stationed for training at Fort Missoula. He took in the high school hop while here.
Miss Jane Ragen spent the week end here from Helena.
Miss Dorothy Doggett spent the week end here with her family.
Jack Poole spent the week end here. He is working with the highway crew out of Helena now in the vicinity of Boulder.
“Winston News” by Mrs. Hugh Whitehead
Mrs. Wm. Riis and daughter Miss Anne and Son, Ervin, left on a motor trop to Idaho to visit relatives Wednesday afternoon. They expect to return about December 9.
Mrs. Albert Albright and family spent the week end at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davies and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Whitehead were capital city visitors Thursday.
Claude Cartwright moved his cattle home from the Sweeney ranch Wednesday.
Hugh Whitehead loaded a carload of cattle out of Winston Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Bisby attended the Marshall-Wells opening on Saturday.
“Radersburg News” by Mrs. Jack Ralls
Mr. and Mrs. George Lynde and family of Sydney, Mont. Spent several days as guests of their daughter, Mrs. Harold Sitton and family.
Mrs. John Williams and son, Tommy, drove to Helena last Monday to visit her sister, Mrs. Bill Greaves. Mrs. Greaves recently suffered a broken arm, having fallen on ice.
Mrs. Lewis Kramp drove to Helena last Saturday. She was accompanied by Steve and Terry Ralls, who had spent the previous week with her.
The Ladies Aid held a bake sale and bazaar at the Odd Fellows hall Tuesday.
“Water Tower Star”
A beautiful addition to our Christmas lighting program was put up last week – a large star on top of the water tower. The star was made by men from our three civic groups – Chamber of Commerce, Rotary and the Men’s Club. Lorin Waling and Mark Mayhew installed the new fixture.
“Radersburg News” by Mrs. Jack Ralls
Members of the Radersburg Church club wish to thank all those who attended and helped with our Bazaar and Country store last Wednesday, making it the success it was.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams of Helena were Radersburg visitors Wednesday, attending the bazaar and visiting friends and relatives.
Jack Williams came out from Helena Friday, staying until Sunday. On Friday he came to visit Thomas Williams, who that day, December 1, celebrated his 93rd birthday. Mr. La Reau of Helena also visited Mr. Williams Friday.
Mrs. O. J. Allen celebrated her 75th birthday Saturday, Dec. 2 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Harris. Attending their mother’s birthday were son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Allen and daughter, Rosalie, of Butte; daughters and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Price and family of Crow Creek Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Art Roberts and family; Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and family; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Harris and family; son, Harry, and Mr. Allen of Radersburg. Johnny Allen came from Butte Sunday to visit his mother, returning to Butte Monday.
Miss Merrilee Miller spent the week end in Townsend with Miss Vicki Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ralls and Mrs. C.J. Castleberry were in Townsend on business Monday.
Wayne Miller was a business visitor in Winston Monday.
“Boy Scout Troop Elects Officers”
Boy Scout Troop 210 held election of officers Tuesday night, Dec. 5 when they met at the youth center of the Catholic Church. David Brammer was elected senior patrol leader; Kerry Pottruff was named assistant senior patrol leader and David Thompson was elected scribe.
Patrol leaders elected were: Eagles – Tommy Ragen; Wolves – Bob Gearheart; and Panthers – Mark Meyer. Officers elected Tuesday night will serve for six months. Dale Davidson is scout master with Dave Fischer and Dick Lukes as assistants.
“Asks Permission to Discontinue Passenger Train”
This week the Northern Pacific Railway filed application with the Interstate Commerce Commission to discontinue passenger trains No. 1 and 2, known as the Mainstreeter, between Fargo, N.D., and the West Coast terminal. The Mainstreeter is the train that serves Townsend, Toston, Winston, East Helena and Helena.
There is no move at this time to discontinue the line’s other passenger train, North Coast Limited, which goes through Butte. The nearest point residents of this area could be served by this train is at Logan.
The railroad stated in their petition that the line had lost nearly a million dollars in the first eight months of this year on the Mainstreeter (one train each way daily) and that the loss would amount to about $2 million per year.
Since the post Office Department has pulled off railway mail cars, the railroad has lost a substantial source of revenue, and is the immediate cause for discontinuance of the passenger train.
“South of Townsend, Toston & Crow Creek” News by Julie VanCamp
Doug Slifka celebrated his 14th birthday Monday evening with a dinner party. Dinner guests were Paul and Curt Rauser, Steven and Karen Smith, Uncle Bill and Aunt Joyce, Nancy, Nicky, Jay and Jimmy Lane, Gladys Johnson, Mary and Frank Slifka and Ken Williams. Edna and Emil Hansen and Phyllis Rauser joined them later for ice cream and cake.
Boyd, Nadine and Steven Cazier spent Sunday in Sheridan, Mt. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Louie Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kitto and Miss Pearle Kitto attended a special church meeting in Twin Bridges Sunday.
Jean Lewis Spent from Wednesday until Saturday in Helena with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Strong and boys.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Plummer were business callers in Helena on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Rauser and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Etzwiler attended the Madrigal dinner at the Bozeman College Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Diehl, Shay, Shawn, Whitney and Lisa attended the LDS church conference in Bozeman Sunday.
Chris and Gene Van Camp and Tony Anthony enjoyed seeing Santa on Saturday and the movies afterwards in Townsend.