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Letter To The Editor
Author: J. B. Howick

We're about to enter another presidential election year and I find myself wondering about my choices. I am not happy with President Biden's

economic, national, and international policies. I believe he's been a weak and expensive president.

However, I believe Donald Trump is unelectable. Despite continuing support in the Republican base, he's too divisive, not supported by the independents (which are needed to win the

election), and has too much baggage... unless you think a U.S. president would look good in prison orange. Honestly, I'm convinced that if Mr.

Trump becomes the Republican nominee, the Democrats would have already

won the election. It's that bad.

So, who's really electable? I've thought about Ron DeSantis, but he's too volatile for my tastes — politics really is about negotiating sensible compromises — and he seems too weak about the economy and international policy.

I'm leaning toward Nikki Haley. She's been a governor, an ambassador, and has a husband on active deployment in the reserves, so she has a

good starting basis for understanding the needs of our military. She wants transparency with the social media sites, which have too much

control over what we see and hear. I've been reading through her beliefs and so far I like what I see.

What I'd love to hear is the opinion of others. With the national primaries close at hand, who do you think should represent our values?

And if you insist on saying "Donald Trump," please explain how you think he'd get elected because I'm honestly worried that we'll see four more

years of Joe Biden simply because we can't let go of a popular but unelectable candidate.

JB Howick
