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Tree Board Tree Watering Program


Patrick Plantenberg, Tree Board Chair
Townsend Tree Board Chair, Townsend Rotary Club

Tree Board Tree Watering Program

Patrick Plantenberg

Tree Board Chair

The Townsend Tree Board was told when we started planting trees: “If you plant trees on city property, you are taking care of them”. The Tree Board accepted that challenge and has cared for the community forest since 2004. That includes planting, pruning, removing dead trees, and especially watering. We have watered trees along Broadway and Front Street, other city streets, in city parks, at the school, hospital, and at the fairgrounds. In areas with sprinkler systems, we water in the spring before the system is turned on and in the fall after the system is shut off.

Most trees will not survive in Townsend without additional water. The Tree Board has been very fortunate to have had great people hired to water our trees. Starting with Daryl Blumhagen who helped build our beautiful water wagon, then Henry Murray, LaVerne Heavirland, and now our water nymph, Teri Blahnik. These people have watered the 840 new trees we have planted since 2004! This has ensured their survival even in the driest years.

Historically, the Tree Board has not had a budget for watering trees from the city. The trees planted on Broadway in the business district and on Front Street along the highways are not city trees. The Tree Board planted them, pruned them, put Christmas lights on a lot of them, and of course watered them. To pay some of the total costs of watering trees, we charge the businesses $30/tree to water each year. All businesses except two have paid those bills regularly.

To pay the rest of the cost of watering trees, the Tree Board has had to sell excess trees to private landowners, and plant and prune trees for private citizens. The cost of watering trees is now about $10,000/year. Fortunately, in the last three years, the City Council has given us a budget of $9-10 thousand /year for watering trees. This has reduced the burden of raising money to pay for watering trees on the aging Tree Board volunteers. As a result of the city funding the watering program, we do not charge the city for watering its trees in the parks. We also do not charge the county for watering trees at the fairgrounds, courthouse, museum, and senior center as the County Commissioners have regularly given the Tree Board $2,000/year.

Teri Blahnik has watered trees since early April and just finished last week. Remember, water your trees regularly. Any questions about the watering program please call Patrick Plantenberg at 406-431-4615.