FAA Update
Author: Kaitlyn Noyes, FAA Correspondent
FAA Update October 6th - November 4th, 2023
Kaitlyn Noyes
FAA Correspondent
Harvest of the Month (Brassicas):
This month's Harvest of the Month was Brassicas. During the week, presentations were given to elementary students on what they are, and a hands-on cooking recipe used to make them.
Brassica is a genus of plants in the mustard family, or Brassicaceae in Latin, whose members are informally referred to as cruciferous vegetables. The Brassica family contains many species and subspecies, several of which are responsible for growing some of the world’s most important crops. Brassicas love the temperate weather, making them a spring and summer crop here in the northeast. Our moderate summers mean that we can grow brassicas throughout almost the entire growing season.
Examples of Brassicas are kohlrabi, brussels sprouts, cabbages (all of them), broccoli, cauliflower, romanesco, turnips, horseradish, wasabi, bok choy, kale, collards, mustard greens, radishes, watercress, rutabaga, arugula, and all the diverse and specialty versions of those things you see on roadside stands throughout the state.
Agriculture Month:
During October, Broadwater FFA supported our Elementary Lunchroom by growing microgreens. The microgreen growing set was donated by Rick Naber, and the microgreens grown from them have been offered in the lunchroom twice already this month.
On October 16th, 2023, Broadwater FFA took teams to the NILE Contest for Vet Science, Livestock Judging, and Sales.
Our Vet Science team consisted of Kayla Kraft and Grace Kroeger, with both of them placing in/near the top half individually.
Our Livestock Judging team consisted of Spencer Braaten, Aiden Kitto, Ashley Sanderson, and Amanda Pesiscka, with them placed in the top half as a team.
Finally, our Sales team consisted of Ross MacDonald, Aubrey Wells, Kayla Kraft, and Gavin Schnittgen, with them all placing in the top half individually.
National FFA Convention (American Degree - Colton Noyes):
On November 4th, 2023, Colton Noyes attended the National FFA Convention to receive his American Degree, an honor given to less than one percent of FFA members. Each recipient of the American FFA Degree receives a gold American FFA Degree key and certificate after being recognized at the National Convention. The American FFA Degree is awarded to FFA members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs). Approximately 3,500 American FFA Degrees are handed out each year at the National FFA Convention.
To receive this degree, you must have completed the following:
Have received the State FFA Degree, have been an active member for the past three years (36 months) and have a record of satisfactory participation in the activities on the chapter and state level.
Have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of at least three years (540 hours) of systematic secondary school instruction in an agricultural education program or have completed at least the equivalent of 360 hours of systematic secondary school instruction in agricultural education and one full year of enrollment in a postsecondary agricultural program or have completed the program of agricultural education offered in the secondary school last attended.
Have graduated from high school at least 12 months before the national convention at which the degree is to be granted.
Have in operation and have maintained records to substantiate an outstanding supervised agricultural experience program, through which the member has exhibited comprehensive planning and managerial and financial expertise.
A student after entering agricultural education must have:
a. Earn at least $10,000 and productively invested $7,500 or
b. Earned and productively invested $2,000 and worked 2,250 hours in excess of scheduled class time. Any combination of hours, times a factor of 3.56, plus actual dollars earned and productively invested must be equal to or greater than the number 10,000. Hours used for the purpose of producing earnings reported as productively invested income shall not be duplicated as hours of credit to meet the minimum requirements for the degree.
Have a record of outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement and have achieved a high school scholastic record of “C” or better as certified by the principal or superintendent.
Have participated in at least 50 hours of community service within at least three different community service activities. These hours are in addition to and cannot be duplicated as paid or unpaid supervised agricultural experience.
Article Images
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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Kaitlyn Noyes, Jemma Loughery, Jason Noyes
Image 1 Caption: Microgreens Growing Set
Photo Credits: Kaitlyn Noyes
Image 2 Caption: Sakes practice
Photo Credits: Jemma Loughry
Image 3 Caption: Colton Noyes
Photo Credits: Jason Noyes