Native American Heritage Celebrated at Legion
 | Author: Dee Gannon, MT43 News Correspondent MT43 News Correspondent |
Native American Heritage Celebrated at the Legion
Dee Gannon
MT43 News Correspondent
November is Native American Heritage Month; and by the looks of it, it began in style at the American Legion, Post 42, Townsend. Over 50 people were spectators at this event, and two dozen (or more) performers and cooks took the stage to bring us the way of The First People.
The Magpie Singers entertained us with drumming songs and jingle dancers. These people, of the Anishinaabe tribe, also known as Chippewa, have their local roots as Little Shell tribe. The local tribe itself is based in Helena; with members all over western Montana.
Drumming, singing and dancing are the way they most honor The Creator, Giche Manido (Creator of all life and its mysteries). There are 365 jingles on each dress; bells fashioned out of tobacco can lids, representing a year of prayers. Each step they take is a prayer; so, the way these dancers celebrate the Creator and prayers that go up for the dead and life alike is palpable. The drummers drum to the heartbeat of the animal that gave its skin to that drum. Elder Dan Pocha remarked that “we have had this drum for 25 years; so, 25 years ago we were enjoying tenderloin,” (laughs). “But, most importantly, the animal continues to serve us, even in death. We respect that (and all) animal(s) who give their lives for our sustenance; whether it be meat for the table, skin for our lodge, or sinew for sewing.”
Another Elder who spoke was Louise Ogemahgeshig Fischer, who spoke of Life’s Essence; and all that that includes. She shared an old story of life, death and forgiveness. It seems that these two brothers did what boys do; rough house almost under their mother’s feet. She, exasperatingly, told them to “take that nonsense someplace else. Go into the woods and do that!” So, the boys went into the woods and found the perfect place at the base of a tree. They wrestled day after day in that place; until one day the older brother shoved the younger one. He hit his head on a rock and died. The older did not know what to do; he was terrified of what had happened. He dug a grave and buried his brother at the base of that tree. When he went home, his mother asked where his brother was. The older lied, saying that the younger had taken off into the woods and had not returned. For many moons, the whole village had looked for the boy to no avail. The older brother had (unbeknownst to anyone else) visited the grave. One day, he saw an unfamiliar plant springing up from the grave. He asked an Elder what it was; and, after looking at and feeling the leaves, told the brother to keep an eye on the plant to see what happened. Suddenly, he noticed some white flowers which, in time, turned into wild strawberries! The boy took this to mean that his brother had forgiven him. He immediately went to his mother with what had happened; including that he had lied to her. He was forgiven by his family because it was an accident. The patch of wild strawberries continued to spread and grow throughout time.
Louise went on to say that whenever someone asks, “Where do you come from?” The tribe members are taught from a very young age, to reply, “We’ve always been here.”
There are 500 recognized tribes in the U.S.; and 12 in Montana. The Little Shell was the last (so far) to be recognized, on December 20, 2019.
Frybread and Pow Wow Indian Tacos were available at a cost of $2 and $10, respectively, compliments of the Last Chance Community Pow Wow Committee.
September 27-29, 2024 will be the 25th anniversary of the Helena Pow Wow at the Lewis & Clark County Fairgrounds. All are welcome to participate and watch.
There were a few vendors at this celebration at the Legion. Rachel from Reading Leaves was on hand with many Native American books. From Helena Indian Alliance was Katelyn Griepp, who had information on the inclusive Leo Pocha Memorial Clinic, and their resources, even a sliding pay scale. In their clinic, they offer Primary Health Care, Out-patient Medical Care (non-hospital, non-emergency), Diabetes Care, MAT Program, and Immunizations. There is an extensive Behavioral Health network including, Substance Use, Chemical Dependency, Peer Support, Anger Management, A.C.T (Assessment Course Treatment), and Prime for Life. They have Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors, Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioners, Licensed Clinical Social Workers and Licensed Associate Counselors. The very best news is that you need NOT be Native American to benefit from their services. They have extended their reach to school-based counseling, affecting Helena High School and C.R. Anderson. In addition, there is an Indigenous Food Pantry where those who qualify can receive a monthly food box. If you would like more information call (406) 442-9244 or go to info
Many thanks and appreciation go to Sarah Tallwhiteman and her mother, Laura Stevenson, for organizing this event. We all look forward to the 3rd Annual Native American Heritage celebration.
Article Images
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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Dee Gannon
Image 1 Caption: Daniel Pocha, Elder of Little Shell tribe, Chippewa Nation.
Photo Credits: Dee Gannon
Image 2 Caption: Jingle Dancers, Jerrica, Lyla and Joscelin performed with the Magpie Singers
Photo Credits: Dee Gannon
Image 3 Caption: Friendship Dance--Takota Oldham joining the dancers.
Photo Credits: Dee Gannon
Image 4 Caption: Louise Omageshig Fischer, Little Shell Elder
Photo Credits: Dee Gannon