Letter to the Editor: Strong Community Support Required
Author: Sharon Potenza
Strong Community Support Required
Dear Readers,
Here is a letter affirming the good work of so many.
"As a retired Hospital CEO and consultant with a national firm working with financially struggling hospitals all across the country, you are to be highly commended for your efforts in keeping the hospital and long-term care facility open and operating. Small community hospitals will find it increasingly difficult to remain viable and those that do remain viable will be those that have strong community support. Keep it up--the hospital can remain viable as long as you provide the basics of care and not try and do all things--leave that to the bigger hospitals. Good luck and keep up your efforts." Jim Braley
This note to Circle 100 comes from Jim Braley whose family ran the Townsend Rexall Drug store here for years during my childhood in the 50's. If you haven't sent a tax-deductible check to Circle 100, Broadwater Health Foundation, Box 1215, Townsend MT 59644, now would be a good time to show your care. And thank you to all who have contributed so generously.
Sharon Potenza
Judy Gillespie
Sherry Scoffield
Helen Turcotte