Attention Snow Birds
| Author: Victor Sample Vic Sample: MT43 News Treasurer |
Attention Snow Birds
Summer is over; Fall Fest is over; it’s the time of the year when our Snow Birds start leaving for warmer climates. We KNOW you want to keep up with what is happening here in Broadwater County.
If you have a Snow Bird subscription to MT 43 News you need to update us with your Snow Bird mailing address so you can continue to receive the MT 43 News. Call Sarah at 406-266-0086.
If you have not yet gotten a subscription to MT 43 News you may want to consider getting a Snow Bird subscription. We will mail the paper to you while you are gone. When you come back next year let us know and we will change your address back to your local mailing address.
If you have a standard subscription you may want to consider upgrading to a Snow Bird subscription to continue getting your local news!