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This Day In History - November 23


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”

November 23


“Alice D’Arcy Wins Trip to Chicago”

Alice D’Arcy, 16-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D’Arcy, and outstanding 4-H club worker, has been selected as the delegate from Broadwater County to attend the International Livestock exposition in Chicago. Miss D’Arcy will leave on Dec. 1, with 38 other delegates from Montana.

In the nine years of 4-H work, Alice has completed nine projects in food preservation, food preparation, clothing and handicraft. She has won many awards including the county style revue this year and was sent to the Great Falls fair as a result. In addition, she has just received word that she has won the gold medal awarded county winners in the national canning contest provided by the Kerr Glass corporation.

Alice is the fourth delegate to be sent to the Chicago exposition. Adaline Poe went in ’36; Jack Nelson in ’37 and Floyd Poe went last year.


“Local News”

Tommy Davidson, son of Rev. and Mrs. William Davidson, was five years old Sunday and to celebrate the occasion invited in a group of his young friends to an afternoon party from 3 to 5 o’clock. Games were enjoyed and the Rev. Davidson showed “Fairy Tale” movies. Birthday refreshments were served from a table centered with a birthday cake with five lighted candles surrounded by individual favors to: Mary, Eric and Patty Lieberg of Helena; Mary J., Dana and Carol Stiner; Patsy and Denny Kelly; Joanne and Pat Duffy; Sharon and Jerry Zable; Bruce and Gary Patterson; Mary Lee and Jimmy Etzwiler; Wendy and Keith Williams and Carol Davidson.

“Radersburg Man Wins Big Buck Contest”

Honors went to Bud Harris, Radersburg sportsman, who downed a 230 pound buck in the current VFW Big Buck Contest. Besides having all the fine venison steaks, Harris pocketed $100 for ammunition money for next year.

Ross Babcock and Oral Clark each brought in a buck that topped the scales at 219 pounds tied for second money and received each $12.50.

There were about 100 deer weighed in at the selected weighing in station at the Broadwater Creamery at least 12 coming in to rival for top honors in the contest.


“Winston News”

Little Miss Vonnie Trarbach of Townsend stayed from Tuesday until Friday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reynolds.

The November meeting of the Beacon Lite Club was held at the home of Mrs. Wilma Masolo Tuesday night with Mrs. Martha Masolo as co-hostess. Nearly all members were present and there were two guests, Mrs. Leo Wombolt and Mrs. Robote. The ladies planned their Christmas party, which is to be held the 9th of December. After a period of recreation, the hostesses served refreshments.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reynolds were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Berndt in Townsend Saturday evening.

Callers at the Ned George home Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Milton Beatty and Grant Buswell of Helena.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Filson and Jim and Joe of Helena visited the Henry Filson family Sunday.


“Keltz Named Coach of the Year’

Casey Keltz, football mentor at Western Montana College, was named coach of the year in the Frontier League by coaches of the conference. Western won all their conference games this year and lost only one game to Ricks College of Rexburg, Idaho.

Keltz was coach at Broadwater County High school from 1957 until he was named football coach at the Dillon school in June 1965.

“Cruson is Member of Recovery Team”

Naval Reserve Lieutenant (junior grade) Gary G. Cruson son of Mrs. Wesley Horne of Townsend, participated in the recovery of the Apollo 4 unmanned spacecraft as a member of Air Anti Submarine Squadron 38 aboard the primary recovery ship USS Bennington.

The Bennington, an anti-submarine warfare support aircraft carrier, waited on-station northeast of Midway Island in the Pacific as the Apollo made its flight.

Launched by the Saturn V booster rocket the spacecraft circled the earth twice at an altitude of about 100 miles.

The flight, designed to evaluate the Saturn V launch vehicle and test the Apollo’s heat shield, subjected the shield to temperatures of 6,000 degrees as the craft re-entered the earth’s atmosphere.


“East of Townsend News”

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris took in the girls basketball tournament at Bozeman Friday and Saturday.

Brenda and Gerry Olsen took in the girls basketball tournament at Bozeman Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. Rita Watkin attended a church conference in Helena Monday and Tuesday.

Mildred Neild visited last week in Billings at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George O’Dore and family.

Dr. and Mrs. Perry Rhyneer and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kirscher attended the CowBelle bawl Saturday in Townsend.