This Day In History - November 16
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and
The “Cotter Foundation”
November 16
“Crow Creek News”
Mrs. Jim Kitto and her brother, Enos Oyler and Mrs. Oyler of Manhattan motored to Salmon, Idaho last Friday and remained until Monday visiting friends.
Mrs. Connors and daughter, Helena, of Townsend called last Thursday at the W.K. Parker and Tim Leary homes.
Cleveland Wallace was successful in getting two wild geese on Plunkett’s lake last week.
Geo. Webb and Earl Webb motored to Big Fork Friday for a few day’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kingsley. They enjoyed some fishing on Flathead Lake while there.
“Townsend News”
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Davey and son, Robert, spent the Armistice holidays in Lodge Grass visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fryhling and family went to Culbertson to spend the Armistice holidays visiting relatives. They returned Tuesday evening and said they enjoyed regular summer weather until they hit Lewistown and encountered a blizzard from White Sulphur Springs on in.
James E. Ward is in Salt Lake City this week attending a Ford Dealer meeting and getting his glimpse at the new 1951 Ford.
Mrs. Chas. Mahony returned to Townsend Friday from Billings where she underwent optical surgery successfully for the restoration of her sight which she reports is very much better. She says she has a 75 percent vision in the one eye and is assured she will be able to sew and read again after several years of trouble from cataracts. Her nephew, Ernest Juhl and wife, accompanied her to Townsend.
“Joanne Duffy Has 4th Birthday”
Miss Joanne Duffy charming little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Duffy celebrated her fourth anniversary on Wednesday of this week by inviting a few friends in to shaere a large birthday cake with her. Individual birthday cakes and animal figurines were at the place as favors for each guest. The invited guests were Bruce and Kay Patterson, Dana and Mary J. Stiner, John and Paul Schwisow, Bradley and Bert Tarrant, Diana Wallace, Sharon Adams, Penny Bert, David Rice, Tommy Davidson, Donna Doig, Jackie and Sandra Reynolds, Denny Kelly and Pat Duffy.
“Crow Creek News”
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ferrat and MIke were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lemon in Manhattan. Their son, Randy, who had spent the week with his grandparents, returned home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kitto and children visited Mrs. Kitto’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stewart in Twin Bridges Sunday.
Mrs. Keren Smith of Lewistown was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kimpton and family.
Mrs. Albert Kimpton, Mrs. Maurice Ferrat and Mrs. Earl Webb bowled in a tournament at Manhattan during the weekend.
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. W.K. Parker were Mr. and Mrs. James Kearns and Bill Kearns of Townsend.
School News
Students at Crow Creek School who have perfect attendance for the first quarter were: Dixie Hunsaker, Linda Cazier, Robert Kimpton, Donald Cazier, Lois Feistner, Pamela Kitto, Dixie Turman and George Conrad of the primary grades. Leon Feistner, Jeanne Hunsaker, George Lampman, June Cazier, David Kimpton, Arlis Feistner, Joann Hunsaker, Linda Hunsaker, Roene Taylor, Robert Hensley, Jex Hunsaker and Karche Lampman of the upper grades.
“Winston-Claysoil News”
Mary Ellen McNulty of Townsend, a student at Carrol College in Helena, was a Friday night dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baum and family.
Wayne Hoffman of Toston was a Friday visitor of Darrell Baum and the two boys enjoyed a day of hunting.
Robert Barthule of Chicago, Ill., is visiting his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Barthule and family and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davies were visiting Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark and boys.
Mr. And Mrs. Bill Halm attended the V.F.W. dinner at Townsend Saturday evening and then attended the 4-H annual awards night after the banquet.
Those from the Winston area who attended the 4-H Banquet and Awards Night Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. James Cox and Chris; Judy Halm, Rick and Bobbi Barthule and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baum and family. There was a very good attendance at the dinner and the crowd gets bigger every year. The ladies of the L.D.S. Church prepared and served a delicious dinner.
“Radersburg News”
Sorry, the news is going to be short this week as I’ve hunted all day – even done some walking – not just road hunting, so am a little tired tonight.
Ida Smith visited Thursday with Mrs. Bill Harris and Tamika of the Valley one day last week.
Jane Bottler and Lola Ricketts were business callers in Townsend Monday. Also had dinner at the Senior Citizen Center and took in the Blood Pressure clinic, but didn’t stay for pot luck that evening because of the weather and fog.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fischer and Mary of Townsend visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hough.
Berty Fischer of Townsend visited Wednesday with her mother, Hazel Hough.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ralls were business callers in Helena Saturday. While there, they also visited with Tops Ralls and Mrs. Terry Eaton and girls. The Ralls were business callers in Townsend a couple of days last week.
A few of the ladies got together and gave Sally Roberts a surprise birthday party Sunday evening with relatives from Townsend too.
Happy Birthday Sally.