This Day In History - November 2
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation”
November 2
“Local Legion Post to Sponsor Dance Armistice Night”
While there is yet over a week before the annual celebration of Armistice Day, it is well to call attention to activities planned locally on that day. Aside from school programs, the American Legion intends to hold their annual dance in the evening for the purpose of raising funds for their Kiddies Christmas tree.
The Legion is joined this year by the Legion Auxiliary, the two organizations working out a feature dance with Larry’s Men of Swing playing for the dance and The Stompers playing during the supper hour. The dance will be given at the high school gymnasium.
“An attendance or ticket donation will be greatly appreciated” said the committee in announcing the affair.
“County Federation Will Observe 15th Birthday Saturday”
The fifteenth anniversary of the Broadwater County Federation of Women’s clubs will be celebrated on Saturday, November 4th at Canton when the members of both the Townsend club and the Canton valley club are invited to a noonday luncheon and program at the Canton club house.
The hostess club is preparing for 45 guests. Favors and places will be laid for that number and the committee in charge of the program announces that an appropriate birthday anniversary program will be carried out. The district president, Mrs. S.L. Kleve, will be the guest speaker and Mrs. C.B. Fairchild as toast mistress, and other past club presidents will be called upon.
“Townsend News”
Miss Sheila McCarthy and Miss Roxy Ward spent the week end in Bozeman visiting their mutual friend, Miss Peggy Davis.
Mrs. Wm. D’Arcy left Monday in company with her son and wife, Lt. Edward D’Arcy for Rapid City where she will visit for a couple of weeks.
Edward Townsley of Fairbanks Alaska recently visited his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Townsley here.
Among those attending the Montana Educational Association meeting in Helena were superintendent D.D. Cooper; Mrs. Lavella Morris, Broadwater County Superintendent of Schools; Mrs. Charlotte Engh; Mrs. Arline Mosier; Mrs. Leona Plymale; Mrs. Helen Bucy; Mrs. Lovinnie Sperry; Mrs. Benedicka Fuhs; Mrs. Rhonda Meyer; Mrs. Josephine Peters; Mrs. Helen Anderson; Mrs. Bertha Hanson; Mrs. Helen Maschera and Miss Jean Campbell.
“Radersburg News”
Mrs. John Williams, Mrs. Jim Sitton and Mrs. Art Sitton were in Bozeman on business last Tuesday. While there they went to visit George Pennell at the Bozeman Hotel, and report that his health is poor. We hope this finds you feeling batter, George.
James Holling moved his trailer house from Silver Lake back to Radersburg last week.
Mrs. Minnie Doughty, Mrs. C.G. Castleberry and daughter, Joyce, were Helena visitors Tuesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Sitton and daughter, Sue, were in Townsend Friday. They were accompanied home by Miss Terri Ralls who came out from Helena on the bus to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ralls.
Dennis Miller and Terry Harris came from Western College at Dillon to spend the weekend with their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Harris.
Miss Vicki Jones of Townsend spent the two-day vacation from school last week as a guest of Miss Merrilee Miller.
Townsend visitors Monday included Erma Patterson, Mrs. Myrtle Miller, Mrs. Art Sitton, Mrs. John Williams and Mrs. George Harris.
“Halloween Party Affords Pleasure to Youngsters”
Almost 800 young people from pre-schoolers to high school students, enjoyed the parties Tuesday evening at the grade school and high school buildings. The parties, held each Halloween, are sponsored by the Townsend Rotary club, with the assistance of businessmen, organizations and individuals.
Starting at 7 o’clock 140 preschoolers took over the multi-purpose room for an hour of fun. Grade schoolers, about 450 of them, held forth in the various classrooms and in the multi-purpose room following the first group, and the high school dance drew about 180, with music furnished by a group from Helena.
“Toston Briefs”
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Flynn and John drove to Simms Saturday to attend a shorthorn sale at the ranch of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dear.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sanderson and family of Bozeman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gust Sanderson and other relatives and friends in Crow Creek valley last week.
Frank Slifka and Jim Baxter were in Livingston Monday.
Among those from the Toston community attending the Catholic Bazaar in Townsend Saturday were Mrs. Ruth Johnson and daughter, Mrs. Pat Jersey, Lee Ann, Susan and Janelle, Mrs. Bill Berberet and family, Harry Lee Johnson and Miss JoAnn Slifka, Mr. and Mrs. Jed Stanfill.
“Needlepoint at Bank”
Art is everywhere and beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Offering both art and beauty to area residents this month are Amy Gorman Bester and Mrs. Peggy Flynn, both displaying their needle point at State Bank of Townsend this month.
Amy’s needle point includes two framed pictures, one of pheasants, the other “The Four Seasons”. Both show numerous hours of patient stitching. Amy related that she probably had 200 hours in the 22 x 28 picture depicting the 4 seasons. Abstract figures, standing in columns of all season colors, looked down upon by a sun, is framed in needlepoint of blue and black. Looking at the picture for a time brings into focus trees, birds, falling leaves and is a beautiful piece of work. Amy said a special tapestry wool is used in the crewel embroidery and persons can either design their own pictures or purchase kits of needlepoint – whichever they prefer. An attractive frame completes the picture.
Peggy, wife of Joel Flynn, said she began her needle point “Autumn” about 6 years ago when Joel was in the service in Kentucky. The 43 x 20 scene has approximately 120,000 stitches and 300 hours of work into it. Attractive greens and golds of trees, hover over waters of blue and it is obvious that the artist enjoyed her pastime.
Needlepoint has become very popular today and persons can enjoy a very rewarding hobby should they decide to try it.
Be sure and stop in and see the lovely pictures that the two Townsend ladies are sharing with viewers at the bank.