Local DAR Members Contribute to Helena Fire Tower Restoration Fund
Author: Jane Lee Hamm, DAR
Local DAR Members Contribute to Helena Fire Tower Restoration Fund
Jane Lee Hamm
Oro Fino DAR October Founders Projects
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution was founded on October 11, 1890, dedicated to preserving American history, securing America’s future through better education, and promoting patriotism. For 133 years, more than 5,000 chapters have engaged in Oct. special service projects to honor DAR founding; Oro Fino Chapter’s contributions this month are celebrated by Regent Gale Kramlick.
For historic preservation, DAR members from Broadwater, Jefferson, Lewis & Clark, and Meagher Counties sent a $1,400 check to the Helena Fire Tower Restoration Fund. Three Townsend residents are Oro Fino Chapter members, including Juanita Bray, Margaret Clark, and Pam Wood Solwey, former DAR North Dakota State Regent.
Education included, first, mailing loose-leaf Montana Tea Co. tea to The Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum, 306 Congress St., Boston, MA 02210 to be used during the 250th Anniversary & Reenactment of the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 2023. Yes, America’s 250th Birthday Semiquincentennial celebrations will begin in only two months and this Boston program is an exciting way for everyone to take part in the historic Tea Party anniversary. History classes, youth clubs, school districts, museums, and other organizations are encouraged to mail quickly a donation of loose-leaf tea (no tea bags), with their name and address, to participate and afterward to receive a certificate from the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party & Reenactment.
Second, members learned at the Oct. chapter meeting about the DAR Pathway of Patriots profiling 250 supporters of independence from Britain including George Washington, two Patriots Jacob Stiffler and Thomas Logan honored and paid for by Montana Daughters, to the last-named pathway Patriot Elizabeth Zane. Daughters wore pink and welcomed Melissa Cotner, DNP, St. Peter’s Health Medical Oncology and Hematology Cancer Care Team, to provide information on breast cancer awareness and treatment.
Daughters promoted patriotism by providing a plate of cookies and treats to the Helena Veterans Center, sending $330 to the Square Foot Society of the Military Women's Memorial Museum at Arlington, making 122 cards and collecting 56 cards made by children at the Montana City Day Care Center to send in boxes to 260 active military deployed from MT, and providing 28 hours of volunteer work at The Rocking Tree Farm learning about farm life support and services for veterans, helping with chores, and canning orange marmalade to be sold at the Oct. 29th farm fundraiser from 2 to 5 p.m.
Daughters donated $70 and will provide some cookies for the Fall Fun Fundraiser, which will welcome all families and the general public.
Regent Kramlick concluded, “What a wonderful productive Founders Month Oro Fino DAR is having. For more information, please go to DAR.org.”