Letter to the Editor - Free will
Author: Sharon Obrigewitch
Letter to the editor
In religion class I learned that God made us to know, love and serve him and to be happy with him in heaven. He also gave me free will. I would question, why would he do that? He must have known we would mess up. A light comes on. We did it on our own. You can’t blame God for the mess.
Why am I writing about free will and free speech? This year we have seen occasions if you used this privilege, you are punished. Let’s talk about Liz Chaney. She was someone who grew up with politics. Her dad was one of the strongest party members, even Vice President under President Bush. So why should she go against the party. She cast a vote to impeach and then was on the committee that accused him of many crimes. Oh my, that is a big sin in the party. She used her free will and free speech.
Another example of free will and free speech is our Governor Racicot. He governed our state as a Republican. I can hardly believe someone from Butte was a Republican. I hear they let him back in town, no tar and feathers. He had the free will to do this. In the last year he has come out against what was happening to our country and state. The party said you don’t belong to us. There have been many more, too many to mention.
Last week a man lost his job because he had the nerve to work with another party… That’s what is happening to our democracy. Compromise works. By compromising each side must give up something. McCarthy DID a Mortal sin, but he didn’t close the government. He compromised. I looked up uncompromising, one of the adjectives for the word is Rigid.
By the way my Democratic friends, I voted for Mark Racicot. I used my free will.
Sharon Obrigewitch