Bulldog Homecoming
 | Author: Mikayla Kraft, School Correspondent MT43 News School Correspondent |
Bulldog Homecoming
Mikayla Kraft
School Correspondent
Homecoming is an exciting week for high school and college students throughout the nation. However, this year it looked a little different from most. With the four-day school week, it is already difficult to get all of the content for the semester finished in the time frame given. In light of this situation, a few things were changed. For example, hallways were not decorated, class floats weren’t done, and posters were not completed by everyone.
The Homecoming theme was the Hunger Games, and don’t worry, high school students did not even think about participating in teen battles to the death. Districts were chosen per grade. Freshmen were in the mining district, sophomores were in the [] district, juniors were in the luxury district, and seniors were in the fishing district. These “districts” had the tasks of competing in small games at lunch, attending fall sports homecoming games, decorating hallway entryways, and participating in homecoming dress-up days. All of this would add up as points which would determine which class would win homecoming. The winning class gets a pizza party.
Small games at lunch were simple and usually only took fifteen minutes. A large number of students attended the football game against the Herders, the volleyball games with Whitehall and Choteau, and the Cross Country Meet over at Edgewater Farms. Hallway entryways were filled with creative ideas such as the opening to a mine shaft made with old wood and fake mine carts with coal. The dress-up days were exciting, wearing purple on Monday to commemorate the loss of Karli Sandidge. Tuesday was Soccer Moms vs. Barbeque Dads bringing impressive spatulas and exciting snacks to contribute to the theme. Wednesday was Dynamic Duos/Groups, a few being Cosmo, Wanda, and Timmy from Fairly Odd Parents, and the minions from Despicable Me. Thursday was blue and white day and students decked out in their most creative blue and white attire.
Clubs and sports consisting of a mix of classes also created floats to put on the homecoming parade. The cheerleaders, football players, and volleyball players were the stars of the show, but those representing our ranching community and rodeo, and our Skills USA and FFA clubs excited the kids greatly.
Overall, homecoming was different, but the Townsend Bulldogs made homecoming great again this year! Homecoming has come to a close, but our spirit hasn’t. Keep on supporting your proud Townsend Bulldogs!
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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Mikayla Kraft
Image 1 Caption: FFA students preparing to show Bulldog Pride at the parade
Photo Credits: Mikayla Kraft