This Week In History Aug 18
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
August 18, 1938
“Courageous Act Saves Four Lives”
Radersburg (Special)
What might have been a serious tragedy for four Radersburg young people turned out alright due to the fast swimming and level-headedness of a young man named Ray Klein, who was with the party.
Miss Betty Doughty, while swimming in the Missouri River above Toston, stepped off into a hole and was unable to get back. Realizing her danger she called for help. Miss Alta Smith went to her aid but was pulled down with Betty. Maurice and Floyd Smith then tried to help both girls but were pulled down as none of the four were good swimmers. Ray Klein, hearing the screams, hurriedly swam from across the river and dragged the girls to safety.
Much credit is to be given to Mr. Klein, who is employed at the Tom Williams Ranch at Radersburg.
Hassel News is Mining News
J.H. McFagden and Sam Wisemiller have opened up a new location over on Ureka Creek and are taking out some lead and silver ore that runs thirty dollars per ton. Sam says this property looks good.
Dewey Fisher has gone from here over to Confederate Gulch and is employed by Mr. William Reidler at his operations there sluicing the gravel of that place for gold on a large scale.
Lewis Nigerbon of the Marietta Mine passed through here last Saturday evening for Townsend. He was traveling at a pace that would naturally remind one that he was going for a doctor or a fire or something, but later we learned he was going for a wife, which he brought back with him and is now comfortably domiciled at the cabin home lately vacated by Jack Crum who is leasing from Bish Williams a mine located near there.
Mr. Sabin from Helena has taken a lease from Al Dance on the old Marietta mine and has two men at work preparatory to beginning the taking out of some valuable ore which he will ship to either Salt Lake or to the Bunker Hill and Sullivan mine at Mullen Idaho.
John Way, Ted Blake and Jess Edens are busily installing a fifty-ton mill on the old Charley Erickson property.
Quite an improvement is being made on the Indian Creek east fork road to what is known as the Raster Hill grade where Pat Gallagher tipped upside down a few years ago. The road is being graded around the hill and along the hillside above and beyond the old creek bed road to a point above where the usual spring freshets and cloud bursts always wash the road out. John Zimmerman, the bulldozer man is doing the work and is doing it well.
Jimmie Dunday has gone back to the Marietta Mine and is working for Mr. Sabin.
Radersburg News
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ralls and family were shopping in Helena Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Williams of Townsend were visiting their daughter Jo Ann, who is staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Roberts and son, Denny, have moved from Townsend into one of the Bomar houses on Main Street.
Mrs. Audrey Nelson and daughter, Theresa, of Kennard Neb., and Mrs. Harry Johnson and daughters, Joyce and Judy, of Toston were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Williams Saturday evening.
“Toston News”
On account of the 40-hour work week, starting Sept. 1 on the railroads, the Northern Pacific Station at Toston will be closed Saturday and Sunday each week.
Mrs. John Williams of Radersburg visited friends in Toston Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beyers and Carol visited Virginia City Tuesday.
Winston News
Mr. and Mrs. Ned George and daughter, Donna, took a vacation from haying and went to the fair at Billings Thursday afternoon, spent the night with the Boyd Charters above Shepherd and returned home Friday.
Bill Diehl and Charlie Masolo trucked cattle to Butte on Friday.
Harold Carson and Toney Moe are both on the not-too-well list and Clarence Baum is laid low for a few days last week when a horse kicked him in the stomach. Mary Hagbom is getting somewhat reconciled to hospital confinement, but still eagerly welcomes visitors and cards.
Friday, the Davies had a family reunion picnic on the lawn at Leslie Davies’. There were about thirty present, including Mrs. Fred Davies, the Albert Davies family, the Donald Davies family, the Erwin Hagbom family and the Virgil Buell family.
Crow Creek News
Mrs. Albert Kimpton, and Steve, were in Helena Thursday on business and toured Readers Alley and the museum.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Burch and Clara Shull of Butte were Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hossfeld.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sanderson, and boys of Bozeman were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sanderson and family.
Miss Roene Taylor is spending a few days with Miss Arlis Feistner.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Chriske of Helena were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lewis and Michelle.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Turman and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kitto and boys.
Celebrates 9th Birthday
Dee Ellen Hensley was a guest of honor at a party given by her mother Monday to celebrate her 9th birthday. Games were played and refreshments served. DeeEllen opened many lovely gifts from these little friends who attended: Kathy Johnson, Valerie Horne, Laurie Sanderson, Robin Williams, Beth Conrad, Holly Hunsaker and Barbie Kitto.