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New Person Applies for City Council Seat


Nancy Marks
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

New Person Applies for City Council Seat

MT 43 News Staff

Heather Hailey has submitted a letter of interest to fill Council Member Ken Urich’s Ward II position. Councilwoman Vickie Rauser introduced Hailey at the regular meeting on Oct. 6. Hailey works as a construction superintendent for a Bozeman construction company. She has lived in Townsend for 18 months at 804 Broadway. She moved here from Belgrade. “We really like Townsend. Serving on the City Council is a good way to serve the community,” she said.

She brought up the problem of fast-moving trucks coming into Townsend’s east Highway 12 entrance and asked if during Halloween, when the children are out trick-or-treating, the city could put up a speed sign. Public Works Supervisor Tim Rauser explained Broadway is a state highway, so signs would come from the Montana State Highway Department( MDOT) in Bozeman. “You or we must have a permit to put up signs. The state would have to supply the signs too,” he said.

Rauser suggested she contact the Chief highway manager in Bozeman.

The council discussed whether to offer the public works position, to be vacated by Tim Rauser, to current employees, or to advertise the position to the public. Councilman Urich said in the past available positions have been posted both to city employees and to the public. Then if a current employee is qualified, the council may offer the position to that person.

Valerie Baraza was officially appointed to represent Ward I. The council passed a resolution to award her the position by acclamation. Her name will not be on the Nov. 7 election ballot since no one has applied to run against her for the position.

Broadwater High School Homecoming parade organizers received the green light to close Broadway Street on October 12.

Council members Angie Wintrow and Valerie Baraza will meet to form a city broadband committee along with city attorney Peter Simon.

Councilman Matt West announced he would be resigning from the council at the Oct. 17 meeting. He will be moving out of Ward III.