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Canton Church Annual Dinner and Meeting


Victor Sample
Vic Sample: MT43 News Treasurer

Canton Church Annual Meeting Held at The Legion Club

Canton Church Restoration, Inc. held its Annual Dinner and Meeting at the Townsend Post 42 Legion Club on Sunday, October 23. There were 42 people that came for the dinner and to see Linda Huth’s presentation “Outstanding Citizens and Colorful Characters”.

A no-host happy hour started at 4:00 p.m. with Linda Huth’s presentation at 5:00. Before introducing Linda, Vic Sample listed Canton Church Restoration, Inc.’s major accomplishments this year:

* The painting of the exterior of the Church and the new metal roof replacing the badly damaged cedar shake roof

* The six summer events featuring new performers, long-time favorite performers and a historic presentation about W.E. Tierney

*The 4th annual (except for the year of Covid) hosting of the Townsend Middle School students for a field trip and presentation of the history of Broadwater County.

Everyone appreciated Linda Huth’s humorous and informative presentation on several early pioneers that were “Outstanding Citizens and Colorful Characters”. Linda is planning to present a longer version of the program as a Canton Church summer event in 2023.

Afterward, the American Legion volunteers served a wonderful meal of tri-tip steak, potatoes and vegetables. Tony and Janet Wagner did a wonderful job of cooking while Mark Boaz, Larry and Debbie Westfall did the serving of the meal.

The Canton Church Restoration Annual Meeting was held after dinner. The 2023 officers were elected: Keith Kirscher – President, Gary Richtmyer – Vice President, Robin Kirscher – Treasurer and Keith Obert – Secretary. Canton Church Restoration Inc. also welcomed new board members Joe Foster and Gary Peters. We look forward to working with Joe and Gary!

Bob and Barb TooTell also attended the meeting. They are neighbors and great friends of the Canton Church and have proposed holding a Christmas Holiday Event at the Canton Church. The Board thinks that is a great idea but believes that we have to improve the electric capacity at the Church before we can have a winter event. We are discussing having everything in place for a Christmas event in 2023.

The American Legion Post 42 donated the use of the Legion Club to Canton Church Restoration, Inc. It was a perfect location for the Meeting and Dinner. The meeting room is beautifully remodeled, complete with a built-in projector/screen and a great sound system.

Pat Plantenberg announced that he and his wife Mary Mistic grew up in large families and getting served first was always a priority. So he organized an auction of the “First Table Served” which ended up going for $225.00 with all proceeds being donated to the American Legion Post #42.

There were several tri-tip roasts left over after the dinner. Pat Platenberg acted as an auctioneer for the leftover roasts with all proceeds again going to the American Legion.

Canton Church Restoration, Inc. would like to thank all of the people that attended the dinner and all of the community members that attended our summer events and made donations to help us maintain and preserve the Canton Church, an important Broadwater County historical building.

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